How Sophia Died!!!! :)):

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-Sophia's Flashback-
~Age 13~
I walked down from my room and into the kitchen, it was Halloween which means it's almost my birthday!!! I grabbed my trench coat and slipped on my converse. "Hey mom" my mom turned to me her green eyes sparkling. "Can I go out on a walk?" "Sure? Where? Bring Insanity!!" "Into the forest!" She nodded and I called Insanity down.

"Insanity mom said you have to come with me on a walk into the forest!!!!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. "COMING!!!!" She almost screamed. Insanity came down in her sweater and nikes. "Alright you two be back by" she looked at her watch, "9:30 pm!!!" I looked at the clock and it was 2:00.

"Okay mom love you bye!!!" Insanity and I waved bye before we headed out. We went out the back door since it was our shortcut to the woods. "So Insanity how's your life?" I asked turning to the white haired girl. "Great sis!!! How's yours?" "Meh it's okay you know there's some drama going on but I'd rather not say"

I turned my head hoping she wouldn't see my tears eyes. I heard a twig snap and footsteps behind us. Like any cliche horror scene I turned around and asked "Who's there?" "CLICHE SOPHIA CLICHE!!!" I laughed and she facepalmed. "I'm so not cliche" I said in my most sarcastic tone.

"I love you sis" I elbowed her, "You're cheesy I'm cliche, I love you too!" She punched my arm. I heard another twig snap. "Did you hear that?" Insanity stopped dead in her tracks staring right ahead.

I trembled in fear, "W-what's wrong sis?" I said my left eye uncontrollably twitching. "S-Slenderman's proxies, Sophia" "Yes" I said shivering.

"We gotta run" she said backing away.

I pulled out a pocket knife and Insanity pulled out a hand gun. "On the count of three we run like hell" I nodded.

"One" she said fear in her voice, "Two" I said not trembling anymore. "Run" Insanity and I started running until I tripped and I immediately got back up.

We reached the backyard and we ran inside locking all the doors and windows. We sat on the couch out of breath, "I thought Slenderman was only an urban legend" She said scared, "I guess not"

I looked at the door and saw a hatchet, "Insanity" she looked and I grabbed a butcher knife she took out her gun. "Were fucked"

I felt someone breathing on my neck, I turned around and stabbed a boy, he had on a white mask with black feminin features, he had on a yellow jacket and he looked to be about 15.

He fell down, and threw his gun at me I dodged it and felt something get stuck in my back. I fell and my vision was blurred, everything was silent and black. The last words I heard were my sister shouting, "NO!!! SOPHIA!!! TOBY YOU WERENT SUPPOSED TO KILL HER!!! YOU ASSHOLE!!!"

I had been slaughtered by a creepypasta who wasn't supposed to slaughter me........

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