I am not a robot.

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Toby's POV
I just watched my best friend stab a fellow pasta 500 something times in the chest and slice her head off. She got off Nina and looked emotionless, as if she were a robot. Impossible, she's not a robot she cries, laughs, loves, breaks hearts, she bleeds, she's a pasta. She's not a robot. But she does act like one sometimes.

Maybe she is a robot.

Jane's POV
Was Sophia a robot? She sometimes acts like one but she can't be a robot unless she is. (PLOT TWIST) No, she's not a robot. Could she be a robot? She does all the human things!!! She laughs and cries!! Bleeds and heals!! Eats and drinks!!! She's emotionless all the time.

Maybe she's a robot after all.

Raven's POV
Sophia doesn't look normal. Is she a machine? If she were a machine she couldn't bleed, she couldn't laugh, she couldn't cry!! She couldn't do anything that she does if she were a robot. She's just like a robot all the time.






I hope my sisters not a robot.

Sophia's POV
I'm not a robot!!!! I know everyone's thinking I'm a robot, probably even Slender. I know I'm not a robot!! I would tell them if I were!!! "IM NOT A ROBOT!!!" I shouted and they stared at me, I ran off hot tears streaming down my face. I was feeling more depressed and paranoid, how was I going to live with these people. I locked myself in my room and blocked out the world by putting in my earbuds and listening to R.I.P by Get Scared. "Reminding self there are no saints." I sang along, I could hear pounding on my door so I raised the volume. "GO AWAY!!!" I shouted flipping them off from behind my door. "UNDERSTAND I BOW TO NOTHING!!!!" I sang getting up to find my razor. "Here it is." I grabbed it and dragged it across my skin. Feeling almost nothing, I was used to cutting so it didn't take any toll or effect on me. "And I can't stop my long for belief!! On and on and on and!! It goes on  and on and on and on!!! And now I feel so lost and deceived!!! On and on and on and on!!! HOW WILL WE REST IN PIECE!!!!" I put on Not Gonna Die by Skillet, "Death surrounds my heartbeats slowing down. I won't take this worlds abuse I won't give up or refuse!!! This is how it feels when your bent and broken, this is how it feels when your dignity's stolen!!!!!" I got a notif, from my dead friend. Her name's Autum.

A: hey the Dance Of The Dead is tonight!!!
S: what time!!
A: in thirty min!!
S:I'll be there!!

I turned on the song Dance With The Dead by Get Scared and chose my dress I've been saving. It was a long sleeved mid thigh black laced torn dress, it had roses and I grabbed torn leggings to pair with the dress. I changed into that and covered up my scars by saying words in Japanese and put on my black flats. I straightened my hair and grabbed a black ripped rose and put it on my hand. I also wore my special ring and put in the rest of my piercings. I rushed down ignoring everyone and I went out the door.

- At The Dance -
Sophia's POV

I teleported there. I was greeted by Autum, "Sophia you look beautiful!!! Just wait till Maci sees you!!!" Maci was my crush, dead guy crush. "Did you wear black nails." I held out my hand as she observed my black acrylic nails. "Your outfit it legit goals Soph." She said jumping up and down. She had on a white dress and white dirtied tights, she also had white heels and a veil on her head. The night was pitch black.

Maci approached me. I rolled my eyes at the sight of my dead enemy. Fiona. "So she actually decided to dress nice." She said as the crowd stared at us, well they stared at me. "Bitch please, you aren't alive anymore so you don't even know how I dress!" I said as Autum stood next to me. "I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't get a boyfriend while you were in the city." She said looking at her nails. "I'll have you know I did have a boyfriend who's now my ex. I've had five exes in total." She looked surprised, "Looks like someone got to cocky" I said staring at her. "DJ PLAY THE MUSIC!!!" Autum shouted and Don't Mess With Me by Temposhark came on. Autum and I danced, Maci and Fiona joined in. I heard the doors coming down.

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