R.I.P. Skippy

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Sarah Beth~

"He's adorable!" Luna exclaimed when Gregory opened his hand to reveal Skippy. Rufus had went back to his Common Room to study, so he wasn't with us. "The cissafleas must have protected him, otherwise we would have froze out there!" Goyle shot me a 'what is wrong with this girl?' look; the one people usually use around her. I elbowed him in the stomach, but he didn't even wince.

"Sure, Luna. Let's go with that." I laughed. She was always going on about some fictional creature.

"Can I hold him?" She asked.

"Have at it!" She excitedly took Skippy out of Gregory's hand and started to talk to him.

"The cissafleas saved you, didn't they?" She asked, holding the frog at eye level. Skippy croaked and hopped once. "I knew it! " She looked at me.They'll save you, you know, if you make your skin slimy enough. They like slime because it warms them. There's an article about it in this months Quibbler, if you want me to get you a copy."

"Um, that's okay. I already have a copy." I lied. Auntie would kill me if she ever found me in possession of a Quibbler.

"Oh, okay. Here." Before I could react, she put the frog into my hands. I screamed, accidentally flinging it across the room.

"Ew!" I squealed as Skippy started hopping back towards us.

"How are you going to keep it if you won't touch it?" Gregory picked Skippy up.

"Magic." I replied in a 'duh' sort of way, pulling out my wand. I pointed it at the frog. "Wingardium Leviosa!" To Skippy's surprise he rose into the air lazily. "Come on! I want to show Ellie and Vincent!"

"They're in the Common Room." Gregory informed.

"Then go get them! I'll wait in the Great Hall!" Gregory sighed but turned around and started walking down the hall.

"Want to come with me, Luna?"

"No," She declined. "There are obviously cissafleas out there, and I want to catch some. They're webs are suppose to have healing powers."

"That's nice. Bye!" I nodded and started heading towards the Great Hall. Halfway there I ran into Professor Flitwick.

"Hello, Ms. Cumberland." He greeted me. "Who's your friend?"

"Hi, Professor. This is Skippy! He was sick, but Mr. Hagrid made him better and now I'm keeping him!"

"And you are levitating him, why?"

"Because! I don't know whee he's been! I might get a disease or something if I touch him!" Professor Flitwick chuckled. "What!?"

"You never cease to entertain me, Ms. Cumberland." He began walking again.

"What's that suppose to mean?"

"Oh, nothing." He replied, turning the corner. I sneered for a moment. Why did everyone always laugh at me?

Not long afterward I found myself in the Great Hall. Somehow, Gregory, Ellie, and Vincent had beaten me there.

"What is this amazing thing you need to show me?" Ellie questioned, sarcasm dripping from her voice."

"This!" I flicked my wand forward, accidentally hitting her in the face with Skippy, who let out a surprised croak.

"A frog? Really?"

"Yeah! Isn't he cute!?"

"If you have a thing for slimy little creatures." I raised an eyebrow, getting a but mad at the fact that she was being so rude.

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