One More Thing Sorry

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Sorry about this, I just thought this might be interesting to know. In this little thing I decided to do, I'm going to tell you how the story was going to go compared to how it did go. This will be my last thing I do with this book, and then I promise I will start editing.

Ok so in chapter two I was going to have Tylers Step-dad rape him, but then I thought Nah that would be toooooooooo much. Also because we all know what happened between Tyler and Nathan in that ally -grabs a fan- man I'm telling you if I was a boy, this book would be 'hard' to write.

Anyways, so you know the scene where Tyler walked in on Isaac, and all Isaac had on was a towel around his waste? Well I was so tempted to just let Nathan give one little kiss to Isaac, and then Isaac would kiss back, but then there would be more drama and we would never had gotten to the war part, so I thought.........Nah. (Before I continue let me just say that, this book wasn't planned to be as fluffy as it was. It was actually going to be pretty mature, but then I thought........Nah, most of the time when I shake an idea off I think Nah lol).

Yeah, anyways, Paul was actually going to be mated to Isaac, before I thought of Noah, since Noah is the complete opposite of Isaac I thought Isaac x Noah would have been better. Ok, so I know a few people were wondering "well who is Hayden's mate?" right? Well that's where Austin came in.

To be completely honest, I wasn't going to give Hayden a mate until like well...never, but then I started feeling bad so yeah now Hayden has a mate to. The way that Tyler and Nathan had kids, definitely did not go as planned. The concept was the same a little bit though, they were going to adopt I'm not going to go against the laws of physics.

Although somehow, there just so happened to be children on the side of the road and Tyler just happened to be driving by *wink* *wink* that's all......................BAIIIIIIIIIIIII

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