Call me baby

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Meghan's Pov:
I slam my door open throwing my car keys onto the cabinet. It hits a photo of JoJo, Charlie and I the day we shot Marvin Gaye. The anger and frustration in my eyes are flooded with tears and I can't control myself.

How could I let him do this to me?

My heart has been torn into millions of pieces, put in a jar and shaken, tipped out, stomped all over, put in a blender and then spat on!

How can someone you thought cared for you actually do this to you. I slowly slid down the back of my door crying and sobbing into my knees. I sat there for a good ten minutes then I sat on the couch watching Bridget Jones diary while eating ice cream and crying my eyes out. Titanic then came on and I was completely uncontrollable, I started throwing ice cream at the screen every time Jack (leo) came on and I tried to miss Rose (Kate) but they were too attached and it made me think more and more of Charlie. I turn the TV off and fall asleep remembering I have the AMA's tomorrow. My manger isn't going to be happy about the state I am in especially if I don't get sleep.

Charlie's Pov:
The night is cold and dark. I walk from my car up to the drive way. A great evening out with friends turned into a hot mess way too quickly.

All I could think about was Meghan. For a beautiful girl she was way too clueless and dramatic.

I don't know what I did wrong!

I want to make things right but I don't know how I can if I have no idea what I did wrong.
She worries me so much and I feel really special and safe when I am with her!

I check my phone to see if there is a text from Meghan, I wouldn't care how rude or angry she was in the text yet instead all I get is one from my manager telling me to rest up for tomorrow. I replied took and shower and went to asleep with one girl on my mind.

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