Pizza and a side of something saucy

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Charlie's Pov:
I drove Meghan to the closet pizza place to my collage. The whole entire car trip she was either smiling or laughing.

We arrived at the pizza place which to our luck had nobody else in it. We both ordered our pizza and sat down in a small dark booth in the corner of the restaurant. Meghan got up and bought us a coke. When she leaned over to give it to me my eyes started to water. She was so gorgeous. We sat eating our pizza, laughing our heads off talking about how awkward it was having to make out in front of so many people yet secretly I loved being able to push my lips up against hers.

"Charlie" her voice was only a whisper
"what's up" I said finishing my pizza. "Never mind". I could sense she was trying to tell me something but was to scared. "Meghan" I said but it was to late. She leaned in and kissed my cheek but I moved my face so our lips would touch. The kiss was passionate and extremely long. We left our tip on the table and ran out laughing.

I drove the car into a secret dark ally way and I leaned over unbuckled her set belt, our lips touch again.  

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