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Charlie wasn't able to hang out with me today cause he was still a sophomore at collage so he had important things to do.

I got a text from Justin.

J: hey Meghan wanna hang out

M: sure where do you wanna meet

J: I will pick you up if you want

And with that I sent him my address.
I had a shower and out on a pink floral dress and coral heels, i wore my hair half up and half down with a flower in it.

Justin drove me to the recording studio he was signed at. They brought us lunch and we decided to work on a song.

"So Meghan how have you been" he asked biting into his burger. "Good I guess" "what's up?" "Well it's nothing" I hesitated. Then I saw the look in his eyes and laid it out straight. "Selena is trying to make sure Charlie and I don't become a thing" his face tensed up when I said this. "Justin just don't worry about me" I said. "Meghan I am just a little mad at Selena for this because she and I have a thing yet she is doing this behind my back" my face grew with pity for him. "I know Selena and you have a thing that's why I didn't want to tell you" he just starred at me. "Meghan you know when we were talking and I gave you my number well I was really happy to meet you yet to be honest I was half using you to make Selena jealous" my face grew angry at him. "Meghan don't frown you haven't let me finished" I relaxed my face a little. "We need to use Selena in some way to change this drama, I mean you want Charlie and I want Selena but the only thing stopping it is Selena so why don't we make an alliance against her" he said leaning closer to me. "It's a perfect plan Justin really it is but I just don't see what you see in her" "Meghan that doesn't matter all the matters is that we go back to normal with our rightful lover" I looked at him concerned. "Now let me drive you home it's getting late".

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