Late yet lost

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I woke up in Charlie's arms realising we were asleep on the couch still in our clothes from last night. I sat up. What time was it?

9:19 am

Fuck I was meant to be meeting La Reid in half an hour on the other side of town. I got up collecting everything which I seemed to have just thrown on the floor.

"Meghan what are you doing?" Charlie asked rubbing his eyes. "I can't find my phone and I have an appointment with La Reid in half and hour" "shit Meghan do you want me to drive you?" "That would be wonderful thank you Charlie" I said kissing him on the cheek. "Do you have anything we could grab out of the fridge to eat on the way?" I said walking to the kitchen.

I opened the fridge and grabbed two sausages and already boiled eggs.

Charlie's fridge was very organised.

"What are you laughing at?" He asked. "Your fridge is so organised, were you robbed but they forgot to rob you and instead they cleaned out your fridge?" "No silly Mikaela dropped by the other day" he said laughing at me. "Let's go" "but Charlie my phone" "we will find it later" I hesitated towards leaving but decided my career was more important then my phone.

The whole care trip we were jamming out to music.

Then see you again came on and we didn't let go of each other's hands through out the entire song. It was truly romantic.

We were 35 minutes late but lucky for me La was signing a new comer and that always took a while especially if their manager was a little hard to please.

"Meghan welcome" he said getting up and kissing me on the cheek. "Hey boo w'sup" I smiled. "So the album Title is going to finally be officially out soon" he waved his hands in the air like he was cheering for a sports team. I giggled.

We discussed all the things needed for Title and future plans.

"Thank you La you are the coolest guy" "anytime MTrain, anytime".

"Meghan do you want to grab a bite to eat?" "sure lets go" I said as we got into the car.

Then I remembered last night when Selena was a bitch to me and I stormed out. I must have left my phone in there and Charlie must have never picked it up.

Oh my god what if she still had my phone in her snobby Disney princess hands. I felt uneasy.

"Meghan you ok?"
"Fine, I just think I might know where my phone is!" 

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