War of hearts

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A/N: Hey! Yes... I know... It's been a month!!! I am the wrst writer ever! Sorry!!! But oh-well... Here it is. Enjoy!

Riley's POV

I watch sitting on the floor as Miss Kate paces back and foth while talking on the phone with a pretty serious look on her face. My guess? She's probably talking to James's or Beth's parents.

Giving the latest discoveries and the fact that the girls won the last round, it seems only natural that she is trying to solve the whole situation.

Me? I am just still completely shocked and can't really think straight. I feel so guilty for not believing James, for not even considering hearing his side of the story... But I had my own reasons... It's not like James wasn't known as the "ladies-man".

Not only that but now I had to perform a duet in like 5 hours and had to come up with a way to make that happen but wasn't exactly focused on that... In fact, I wasn't focused at all...

I know deep down I should call James or at least text him but I couldn't bring myself to do that. I am just so afraid of what will happen afterwards... Do I want him back? Does he want me back? There has been so much drama in our lives that maybe, this was a signal - we aren't meant to be...

But I can't let go of him... Not when he is so importante in my life and we have had so many happy moments...

A hand in my shoulder makes me sends those thoughts away.

"Hey, Ri. What are you doing here? I have been looking for you everywhere! Hunter has agreed to be your partner on the duet. You two need to practise as much as you can, which is very little." My sister says.

Not really thinking I just nod and follow her.

I don't want to do the duet with Hunter... It's not that I don't like him, he is Em's boyfriend and she seems to like him very much. However, it is our duet... Mine and James's ... But it's for the team so it's what has to be done.


5 hours later here I stand next to the stage about to be called. Hunter and I are okay I guess... Well, who do I what fool? We are terrible, I just couldn't work with him... There was just so much meaning in this duet...

It was created by me and James and it's about us - Jiley! But Hunter was so patient with me and didn't complain so we were able to work thinghs out. Sort of... My guess is my sister has a hand behind all of this which I am glad for.

I take a last look on the mirror to check if everything was on point. At least if we lose, we lose with style or whatever... Another figure appears on the mirror making me gasp.

"You look perfect." The deep masculine voice whispers next to my ear, sending shiver down my spine.

I turn around quickly not really knowing what to say...

"James..." I mumble, still shocked with his presence.

"Hey..." He whispers, scratching his head.

Not really thinking, I throw myself in his arms.

I hear him chuckle and embrace me too, kissing the top of my head.

"You're here..." I whisper.

"Yeah... I believe we have a duet to win." He states and I can sense him smiling.

I take a step back confused and only then I realise he his dressed in his dance outfit for the duet.

Right then The Next Step is called to stage.

I grab his hand nervously and he squeezes it back, looking down at me.

"Let's do this!" He cheers me and I smile nodding.

"Let's do this."

We walk to the stage, hand in hand, with everyone wishing us good luck and Emily winking at me.

We position ourselves on stage and wait for the song to start. A few seconds later, "We Go" starts playing and it never had more meaning than now.

We start dancing, a mix of his moves and mine, a perfect reflexion of our relationship.

He lifts me up throwing me to the air and picking me up right away. We exchange looks, a smirk lighthing up his face and mine turning red. He puts me down doing a flip next to me while I go into the splits on the floor.

We continue dancing, the feelings coming back like a tsunami. With every touch, with every look, it's just like I am falling in love with him all over again. All the drama, all the fights seems to lose its importance as I move next to him, gaining cheers from the crowd.

As the song gets to the end, I realise that all the doubts I had this morning were stupid. Me and James might be too diferente but we complement each other. Jiley is meant to be... Or so I hope...

We still need to talk. After finding out that he won't be a father, everything changes and much needs to be said. But despite everything, there is something I am sure about. I love him.

And that is why when we get to the final pose, with him holding me in his arms, I kiss him and put all my love for him in it. He smiles and returns it, making the crowd go wild.

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