Eavesdropping isn't always bad

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A/N: 2x1 ;)

Emily's POV

As if all of this Jeth drama was enough, our Small Group routine would start in less than 30 minutes and Amanda was nowhere to be found...
In fact, no one had seen her since the day before... I had a bad feeling about this... Especially because I never really trusted her.
We had split the team to go find her and I was with Hunter. He promissed he could move around here very well, since he was in the previous Nationals.
But of course he had messed up and now we were completely lost...
"Well done, Hunter... Now neither did we find Amanda or do we know where we were..."
"Babe, please trust me! I know where are! I will get us out of here. It's like a couple adventure. It's fun." He states and tries to kiss me.
"Get us out of here and I will think about you case..." I reply crossing my arms but he embraces my waist with one arm.

We walk around a few corridors for a while, not really getting anywhere. We finally see a sign that says, old costume area and Hunters says he has been there so we follow it.
We take the stairs up and something catches my eye, or my ear in this case.
I stop and grab his arm, making him freeze.
I make him a sign to shush and he does.
I can now hear two voices talking in a pretty clear tone. One of them is Amanda.
"Is that Amanda?" He whispers and I nod.
We continue climbing up until I recognize the other voice. It's Lucien.
We stop again and I pay more attention to the conversation.

"Oh, Lucien... It worked just like you wanted... The Next Step is destroyed... There is no way they can recover now... Not with the way I left things..." Amanda states chucking and I stare at Hunter with eyes wide open.
"You make me so proud, Amanda... That's why you are the captain of Elite... Those bastards won't have a chance..."
"Well, thanks... Of course they won't! They only have nine dancers... I made sure of it..."
"I have to admit that idea of hooking that Beth girl with Charlie was amazing..."
"Yeah and it ended up helping us so much more than I though... He knocked her up for God's sake... And all I had to do was use her obsession for James to kill two birds with one stone..." She says with satisfation.
"She truly is crazy... Not caring about who is the father as long as she can stay with James but it make The Next Step lose two dancers so  I couldn't care less..." Lucien laughs and Hunter and I exchange looks, both just freezing there...
"Their Small Group starts in a few minutes... They have no chance without me..."

"She isn't going to compete. We have to warn the team!" Hunters whispers nervously and I agree.
I look around us and see a black door with "Backstage" written there.
"Look!" I point happy that we found our way out but scared as to how we will fix this...
I follow Hunter to the door and after we have closed it carefully, we start running to our changing room as quickly as we can.
When we finally see Miss Kate in front of us, she looks as desperate as we do.
"Did you find Amanda?" She asks and nod.
"Yes but you're not going to like it. Everyone needs to listen to this." I say
The teams sees us and everyone shares looks and comes closer to us.
I take a deep breath and tell them what we just heard as quixkly as we can. When I finish, everyone is shocked and whispering things.

Miss Kate calls our attention.
"Okay, what we just heard is very serious and we will have to deal with it... But right now our focus has to be in a solution four this round. They won't win! We will get through this!"

Everyone nods.
"We have 10 minutes until we are called. Please if you have ideas, tell me!"
Again we start whispering to each other, trying to came up with a solution.

Suddenly, Chloe raises her arm. "Miss Kate, there were several times when Amanda missed that I helped Giselles and Thalia on their rehearsal. I know the routine. Not perfectly but I will give my best."
"She is right, Miss Kate! And she does acro which Amanda can't!" Giselle exclaims excited.

Miss Kate sighs in relief. "OMD, Chloe thank you so much! Please go change and discuss the detail with each other. You got this girls..."
Everyone starts moving around the room, helping Thalia, Giselle and Chloe get ready.
Just when I finished applying lipstick to Thalia they called our name.

"Alright, girls, you got this! Show them what The Next Step can do!" Miss Kate encoraged them and we all cheered when they stepped on stage.

I feel a hand in my shoulder and turn around. It's Riley. And I think I now what she wants.
"Yes, sis. You heard right. The baby isn't his. He was telling the truth." I confirm and she doesn't really look satisfied.
"What do I do now...?" She whispers.
"What about calling him giving him the good news... I am sure Miss Kate will call his mother too."
She nods and there is a smile one her face now, whixh hadn't been there since this thing started.
"I will do that." She states and runs to her purse. I smile too, happy for my sister and the team.

I look back the stage and watch Chloe end perfectly a back handspring.
Miss Kate was right we got this. We are The Next Step! I just wish we could see Elite's faces right now... They must be priceless!

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