Get you back - part 1

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A/N: Thank you so much fr the 1k views!!!!! I am just so happy!!!! Thanks for all the comments and votes as well :)

Riley's POV

I walk into Studio A earlier the next day. James texted me telling me to meet him here. I am curious... James rarely comes earlier to the Studio and... And well, it's James...

As I am putting down my dance bag in the cubbies, I see Amanda. She didn't come to my party because she had a family issue.

She looks at me, with a confused look.

"What are you doing here, Riley?" She asks me, while coming closer to me.

"I'm back!" I say excited. "Their surprise worked..." I giggle a bit rolling my eyes.

A strange expression shows in her face but then she smiles and hugs me.

"That's great, Riley! I am glad you are better! I couldn't come yesterday... I had a problem at home..." She shrugs.

"Oh... No problem! Everything okay?"
"Everythings is fine!" She answers with a smirk in her face... Weird...

"Good... Good."

"Well, I will go grab a juice. I'll see you... later."

I nod and walk to the bench which is opposite to the mirror.

All of a sudden, James appears doing a cartwheel.

I get up and he points to me then to his chest.

"Okay..." I mumble, paying attention to his moves.

He then does a black flip, a roll and gets up.

I look at him, a small smile in my lips and shake my head

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I look at him, a small smile in my lips and shake my head.

"What was that for?" I ask and he gives me a goofy smile.

"Did you like it?" He asks, crossing his arms.

"Yeah it was cool. Different..." I answer a bit confused.

"You know how I call that?"

"Hum... No..."

"The Riley Roll-up."

"The Riley Roll-up?" I ask confused and kinda happy at the same time... He did name a move after me and that's... Yeah pretty romantic...

He nodds and I smile, blushing. "I see what you did there... Thanks..."

"I told you I would win you back. I will prove you just how much you mean to me..." He tells me, touching my cheek softly and caressing it. Our eyes meet and I gaps for air. I missed him so much and I didn't realise it...

I clear my throat. "So... Did you break up with Beth already?" I ask raising an eyebrow...

He squints and laughs nervously. "Well... Uhm... No... You see she is not really getting the idea.. And I am trying so hard..."

I hit his shoulder playfully. "Well, try harder... If you can't break up with her how will you be able to show me you love me? I mean this is quite simple and I am... puf... A bit demading, right?"

He giggles and then gives me a serious look. "How funny... Don't doubt this man's qualities... I will do anything... Until. I. Get. You Back. This was only the beginning..."

"We will see." I say and walk out dramatically, flipping my hair back. I hear James giggle behind me.

Just then, Miss Kates walks in the Studio. A mad look in her face.

"What happeed, Miss Kate?"

"Well, looks like we will be competing against Elite after all!"

"What?!" I ask confused and James comes to where we are, a puzzled look in his face as well.

"Well, Elite sneaked out into another's Regionals competition last night and won..."

Me and James share looks, truly shcoked, confused and angry.

This is not good...

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