Messed up

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A/N: hey everyone! Sorry for taking sooo long to update!
This is kind of a filler chapter and it won't be too long... I know things are a bit broing at the moment but I need every detail to get to what the Next Step does best: D-R-A-M-A! Ahah
So Ijust wanted to apologize for any ugly mistake because English is not my first language!
Let's me know what you think and feel free to give ideas and opinions!
Thanks! Love you all!!!!

Riley's POV
When I hear those words come out of Beth's mouth... Everythings is ruined... The trust that had started building up inside me, completely vanished... Along with my strenght.
I don't know how I was able to do it, but I got up and ran out off there as fast as I could. I just felt the need to ran, as if doing it would erase the pain that I felt and reality itself. I ran to the studio, to the girl's changing rooms and bathrooms and sat on the ground.
I felt my body shake with every sob I let out. I was trying to hold them back so no one would come talk to me. I looked at my watch. 5 minutes until rehearsal starts. 5 minutes until I have to face him again. I hear someone runing and my name being shout.
Why did he come after me? Wasn't he suppose to be kissing Beth or something. I mean their kiss was magical! How can a 3 seconds kiss be magical? I tell you: it's wasn't a 3 seconds kiss... At least not one without any feelings in it... Which means I was right... My worst fears had become truth... James still had feeling for her and wanted to leave me for her...
Ohhhh! Okay, Riley calm down... That makes no sense! The guy just literally begged you to forgive him... Just stop overreacting!
I should probably talk to him but I decide not to. I just can't bear to hear anything that comes out of his mouth.
I hear steps coming closer and get up. It's time get dressed and face reality.
I open my dance bag and quickly change into my dance clothes.
I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself. I take a quick look in mirror. My eyes are puffy and red. I wash my face trying to look like I hasn't been crying forever. I take a peek again. Nup, I still look miserable but it's the best I look today.
I grab my bag and walk out. I head to the cubbies and hear shouting. When I walk in studio A, I see Emily and Michelle yelling at each other next to the cubbies. Cloe and Giselle are trying to calm them but it doesn't seem to be working.
Next to the mirror, Eldon and Hunter were fighting themselves. James and West were around them but I couldn't understand whether they were helping or making it worse.
I put my bag in the my cubby and walk to the centre of the Studio. Suddenly, everyone stops talking and they all look at me. Emily comes to me with a confused look in her face.
"Riley, what are you wearing?"
I look at her confused too. Then, I check myself, making sure I hadn't forgotten to dress something.
Pink top. Check. Stipped top. Check. Shorts. Check.
"Dance clothes... What's wrong?"
"Yeah, I know those are dance clothes. But those are your old clothes... Why are you not wearing the other ones?"
I shrug my shoulders. "I didn't feel like wearing the other. They're too fitted."
Emily continues looking at me. She seems to be mad but I don't understand why. She walks to James and yells "This is all your fault! Why did you ahve to do it, hum? I thought you had stopped being a player and actually cared about my sister! But no! You are still the stupid lady's man!"
And that started all. Everyone started shouting at each other again. I couldn't even understand who was shouting at who... It was a mess...
Chloe cames to me and puts an arms around my shoulders. " Are you okay, Riley?" I shake my head and give her a small smile. "I am fine."
She looks at me and pulles me to hug. "I know you have been crying! You can talk to me if you want to, honey." I shake my head again.
Just then, Miss Kate walks in studio A and looks around. A worried and mad look shows up in her face.
"Hey! Hey! You all stop it." She shouts but no one is listening to her. She tries it again but it doesn't work again.
She then turn on the music and "Hurricane" starts playing. Everone freezes for a moment and looks at Miss Kate. She does look angry.
She turns off the music. "What is wrong with you? It looks like we are back last year! With all the yelling and the drama! I thought you had grown up but clearly you didn't! Is this how you want to win Nationals? Because there is no way we will be able to pull it off if you continue like this!"
Everyone looks guilty and say "Sorry, Miss Kate!" That's when Thalia, Gisele and Daniel walk in Studio A, looking a bit puzzled.
"Now, you all better fix this fast because we need to work as a team!" Miss Kate continues. "Start streching! In five we will start!"
Everyone nods and moves around the rooms. I see Emily leave James and his following her and then landing in mine. He look at each other for a second, and I could almost swear that I saw regret in his eyes, like if they were begging me to forgive him. I look away and sit on the floor, warming up with Chloe.
Emily sits next to me. "Riley, what happened? What did he say!"
Chloe didn't know what happened, and although I didn't want to talk about it, I decide to tell them what happened. Emily is my sister and Chloe is my best friend from the studio, so it's fair that they know.
When I finish, Chloe looks at me sympathetically and gives me another hug. Emily looks like she had mixed feelings.
"I don't know what to think about all this, Ri! I feel like he really is regreting it, but the fact that he didn't tell you..." I nod and continue what I am doing. My eyes land in James's again and I see that he is looking at me again. I roll my eyes. He is with the boys next to the ballet bars and they seem to be having a serious talk. That is rare...
Emily touches my shoulder. "You still have feeling for him?"
"Well, of course, Emily! James is... Was everything for me... I just felt so special with him and couldn't imagine myself without him... Call me naïve but I really felt like it was forever ir something... Now, I am just a bit lost..."
"Is that why you brought your old clothes today?""James started liking me when I wore this clothes, I just needed something that would comfort me... I just don't know if he is just playing with me... "
Emily nods. "I think you should talk to him again." I nod too. "I am just not ready for it now"
Miss Kate call us and we start rehearsal. She said that today she just wanted us to train and improve our individual technique so I didn't have to interact with James... Thank God!


Two hours later, we were done. I felt so tired and my legs were exausted. I barely slept the night before and that was catching up at me.
Emily said that as a Dance Caltain, she needed to figure things out with Michelle and apologize to Miss Kate so she would take a bit longer.
I decide to go to the music room and do some practise myself until she is done.
I put my bag on one of the benches and sit down, puting my hands on my face. I hear steps and look up. James.
He gives me a small smile and heads to me...
What does he want...

A/N: Thanks for reading! Would you like next chapter to be in Riley's or James's POV? Or maybe author's... I am not sure... Please let me know!
It would mean the world to me if you favorited, commented and added to your reading list! But only if you want to of course! Love you!

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