I saw it!

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Hey everyone! This chapter is dedicated to Koalacheese_TNS and jameshair for being so sweet and tell me to continue the story!
The truth is I have been through a pretty rough fase in my life and writing and reading are the only thing that cheer me up... So I just felt down when I thought this wasn't worth it... Also, reads, comments, favourites are just joy in my life!
Anyways, thank you so much for reading! Love you all! And Jiley forever 😍

Riley's POV
I walk in my bedroom after dinner. I was able to hide what I was feeling, so no one made any questions. Actually, I got the feeling that Emily was a bit suspicious, but she didn't say anything... Mom and dad, well, I barely see them...
My mom is a nurse and dad is a doctor (that's how they met) so they work on shifts which makes it almost impossible for them to spend more than two hours with us every day... There would be weeks when I did not see them at them... This said, they didn't really notice anything wrong with me.
I open my closet to take a sweater and something catches my eyes. On the middle shelf there is one of James's hoodie. We had left it here one day he came over to watch a movie with me. Since then, I never returned it. Actually I wore it a few times, when I missed him, was feeling down or when there was a storm outside.
James knew I had it and he would sometimes joke about it but I knew deep down he didn't want me to return it. He said I looked cute in it.
I grab the hoodie and pull it close to me. It still smells like him. His perfume that I gave him last Christmas brings so many memories back. It makes me feel calm and sad at the same time...
Although I know it will hurt me more, I put on the hoodie (which is way too big for me, more like a dress) and go to bed. I need this right now, need this comfort...

Next morning when I wake up, I feel much calmer. Although it was basically a restless night... After thinking a lot about it, I decide that I should talk to James and see what he has to say. Maybe he didn't want to kiss her after all. We will see. But first I want to se what Emily has to say.
I go downstairs and grab an apple eating it on my way back up. There was a note in the fridge left by Emily which said she had needed to leave earlier to meet Hunter.
Weird... Thought Hunter was or whatever, Michelle's boyfriend... Well, I will ask about it later...
I grab my bag for dance practise. Since it's Saturday we have it in the morning. I open the drawer which has my dance outfits and stare at it for a while. My eyes stop in my last year outfit, the one with blue strips, pink top and blue loosen up shorts. I eon't really know why but I decide to take them instead of my purple tank top and black tight shorts... I don't real feel like wearing tight clothes today... My confidence is too shaken up...
When I am done packing my stuff, I leave the house, heading to the bus.

When I arrive at the stop next to the Studio I feel nervous... I know that once I tell James what I saw rhing will change and not for good.
I text Em to know where she is. She tells me to meet with her ate Culture Shock.
When I get in there I look around to make James isn't there yet. It's too early for him to even be up but who knows. I don't see him anywhere but I spot Emily sitting in one of the table alone.
I head to where she is and sit in front of her.
"Hey, Ri! Good morning. Sorry I left but needed to discuss something with Hunter."
"Oh, no... It's okay. Don't worry about it" I reply and the minute those word get out of mouth I feel my heart racing a bit. Emily giggles a bit and we make small talk. I am not really listening to her. I heard something about our kittens Pandora and Garfield and my mom but I am not paying any attention. All of a sudden, I can't hold it back anymore. "Did I tell you what happened with James last night?" This was a really stupid question, of I knew I hadn't told her but hey I had to start the conversation somehow...
"No" she tells me shaking her head a bit and looking worried at me. "What happened? Tell me!"
"So I went to tell James that we got the National duet. And ai was really, really excited about it, so I basically run to st
Music Room where he was rehearsing with Beth and... I saw them... They were kissing... I don't think he saw me but..."
"Riley! Calm down! How long were they kissing?" "I don't know... But it seemed like forever..." "And who was kissing who?" "Does that even matter? They were kissing! And he didn't even pull away..." "Okay, Riley. Let's think things straight! You don't know the full side of the story... You have to talk to him! James cares so much about you... We would never do this..."
I sigh and nod. Emily is right, I have to talk to him.
When Emily was about to say something, I see James come in Culture Shock. I freeze and feel my heart skip a beat. He notices us and smiles, heading to where we are. Emily understands what is going on and says when he is close to us "And I am going to go to the studio because it's too hot in here and maybe you should do the same... Oh James is here. Nah you should stay! Bye!" James just looks at her confused and she mouthers me 'Good luck'. When Emily is gone, James comes closer to me.
"Hey, Riles! What's up?" He leans to me, trying to kiss my forehead but I turn my face, so he just touches my hair.
He looks at me confused and sits next to me.
"So how was your rehearsal last night?" I shoot. James still looking confused answers "It was normal. We are much more polished which is pretty cool."
"So nothing strange happened? No aliens kidnapping you or something? Or maybe Beth turning into a zombie?"
James shakes his head looking even more puzzled.
"No. All normal... Riley's what up?"
'What's up'?? Seriously James!? He has got to be kidding me... But although I want to yell at him, I keep it cool.
"Oh really? That's interesting because last night when I went to tell you that we got the National duet, which I was really excited about, I see you and Beth kissing... And when I give you a change to tell me the truth, you lie to face... How could you do this to me!?" I say, almost in tears as I end. James tried to cut me off a lot of times but I wouldn't let him.
He looks at me, with a heartbreaking look in his face but I don't feel sorry for him. Not one bit. This is his fault after all.
"Look, Riley..." He starts placing his hand above mine but I shake it off. He pulls back and then continues. "Beth kissed me. I didn't kiss her..." "Oh, really? But you didn't pull away either!" I almost shout, getting up.
I start running to the door but I feel a hand grab my wrist, making me stop. His touch feels so good but right now I can't take it. I pull my hand off his and look at him. He has a very serious looks in his face which is rare...
"Please, Riley! Can you at least listen up to me? Please, baby?" "Don't call me that! I am not your baby..."
"Yes you are. You are my baby girl! Please, Riley! Just hear me out for a bit..." He begs, his eyes wide open and his voice cracking... Hearing him call me 'baby girl' almost made me smile but I fought it. It just makes me wan't to forgive him right here and now. But I can't... Although I obvioulsy still have feelings for him and don't think I will stop having, I just can't do it...
I look into his eyes. Should I stay?
His eyes are locked with mine and it's like I could read him. I can see regret, sadness and hope all expressed in his sweet chocolate brown eyes.
I look down for a bit, feeling the need to break the intense contact. I sigh and nod.
I look up at him. "You have 2 minutes" It's all I say.
A smile appears in his face. And I can see that the hope expressed in his eyes, is more intense. "Sweet! Please sit again." He puts a hand in my back guiding me to where we were sitting previously but I again reject it.
I sit with my arms crossed, it's my way if defending myself, a way to try to combat whatever pain he will cause me.
James sits in front of me, his hand both placed in the table.
I look at him with a sarcastic look "you wanted to talk... Then talk."
"Listen, Riley. And please do. Let me tell you everything until the end without any interuption... So as you know I went to rehearse with Beth. We were just flowing and dancing and stuff, and I don't how, we ended up really close. And she leaned and kissed me. At first I was in shock and didn't react and that was probably when you walked in... But then I reacted and pulled away! I even left the rehearsal! I felt pretty bad about myself... And I just decided not to tell you because it didn't mean anything... And I knew you wouldn't underst..."
"No, James! If it hadn't meant anything, then you would have told me. You would have told me the truth, which is, according to you, that Beth kissed you... But no! You decided to lie to my face..."
"Riley, I didn't know you had seen it... If I did..."
" Well,I saw it! And if knew that I saw it, you would have done what... Because to me it looks like you hode it because it meant something! Because you still have feelings for her and decided that cheating wouldn't do any harm, especially because I would never find out... With how many others have you done it!? How can I know that you won't again?"
"Riley! I don't have feelings for Beth! And I never did any of this before nor will ever do again! You have to know that..."
"The only thing I know is that you broke my heart, James! What I know is that you were once a player... People don't change like that... You just decided that you were fed up with the plain Riley Raymond and decided to explore something else!" I am almost shouting now and my eyes are burning with tears I won't let fall.
"What?! Riley, no! It's nothing like that! Riley, I only want to be with you! You're my baby girl! It was a mistake! And I regret it so, but so much!"
I can't hold it back anymore and I let the tears stream down my face. I hide my face in my hands. "I knew that duet was a bad idea... Why did this have to happen?" I whisper. I hear James get up from his chair but before he can get to me...
"Hey, James! Did you finally break up with her so we could be together? Our kiss last night was magical!" Beth says from behind me with her really annoying voice.

A/N: Hope you liked it! Will try and update tomorrow... :)

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