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A/N: Since you asked me so much to update here is the next chapter. It's a short one again but I hope you like it!


James's POV

When I get back to Studio A, everyone is already there. They were all warming up but their eyes were on Miss Kate's office. Serious looks on their faces.

I sit next to West and Eldon, Beth goes to where Amanda is.

"Hey men! What's up? Why is everyone so serious?" I ask while hitting West on the back.

He points with his head to Miss Kate's office.

There I see Miss Kate, Emily, her parents and Riley who is crying and has her mother's arm around.

I don't like to see her cry. Never did. And although we are not together any more and our current relationship is pretty awful, I still care about her.

I pretend that I don't because it's easier for me to ignore what I feel for her but deep down, I know they are still there, I just can't deal with them.

"What's happening?" I ask, confused with the situation. Yeah, Riley fainted but is that a reason for her whole family to come here?

West shakes his head. "I don't know but it's not good news. Riley was locked in there with Miss Kate for half an hour, then her parents came and Chloe said something about being na important decision. I don't know, man... It seems like a big deal..."

I nodd. "Yeah, don't worry about it. She fainted this morning because she didn't have breakfast... Maybe Miss Kate though it would be a good idea to tell her parents... You know how girls can be dramatic..."

"Yeah, James, it's way more serious than that." Michelle says, standing up behind me.

"Riley hasn't been herself lately... She changed to her old dance clothes, she is way skinnier and she isn't as foccused. At the beginning of the year she had improved so much but now... I don't think I have ever seen her like this since I came to the studio... I just hope we can help her..." She continues sitting next to Eldon and they exchange looks.

I shake my head again. "Like I said, Michelle. Girls can be dramatic... I know that for sure and Riley can be pretty dramatic when she wants to... Maybe she is just trying to get attention..."

"OMG! How can you say that, James? You, of all people... You were her boyfriend and it seemed like you cared about her... You know Riley is nothing like that! Maybe your new acquisition of the day, but not Ri... You changed so much, James... I can't even recognize you anymore... Maybe this is all your fault!" Michelle shots getting up and heading to where Giselle and Chloe.

"That bi..." I start but Eldon cuts me off by hitting me on the shoulder.

"Don't even think about calling her that... Especially when she is right about everything... You are not my boy James anymore... I know you are the "Don't even worry about it" boy but now you just look like... Like the "F you all" boy..."

"Yeah, he is right man... I like your cool atitude but you're exagerating a bit you know... I don't think Beth is a good influence for you... Riley was much bet..." West continues but I can't hear this anymore, so cut him.

"Yeah, don't you think I know Riley was much better? Do you think I wanted to lose her? Don't you think I miss her everyday? But it's not worth it because she doesn't want me back, okay? She broke up with me! I meesed up and she couldn't forgive me... Gosh, she wouldn't even hear me... There is nothing that I can do now..."

"I knew it!" West says jumping. "You owe me 20 bucks!"

I look at them confused. Eldon scratches the back of his head. "I didn't think he actually still loved her..." Eldon whispers and I am so confused... They did a bet about my feeling for Riley? Who do they think they are?

When I am about to reply, Miss Kate shows up in Studio A, followed by Emily. Riley's mom gives her a kiss on the head and then leaves along with her dad. Riley goes to where her sister is and Emily says something on her hear, making Riley nod and wipe the tears from her face.

"Alright, dancers! We have some bad news! Unfortunately, Riley is leaving the studio..."

"WHAT?" Everyone screams and gets up.

"Riley has decided that she can't continue in the Studio due to personal reasons. And, although I don't agree with her departure, I respect her decision and you should all do the same. It was wonderful to have her here with us for all this years but now she needs a break and we have to accept that. Riley, we are going to miss you so much. Come whenever you want."

Emily hugs Riley who starts crying again and soon everyone follows her.

I just stay still where I am. I am shocked. Riley is leaving.

This was the only place I got to see her and now... Now she is gone...

I can't handle it so I just ran out of the studio.

That's it... I lost her for good...

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