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Riley's POV
I look at the apple in my hand, considering what I should do.
It doesn't have that much calories and I haven't eaten that much lately... But it's still food...
I remember what Beth told me two days ago, how she told me that I was fat and that was why James would rather be with her.
How I was more fat than all the girls at the studio and that no one liked a fat dancer.
After that I had went home and looked at myself in the mirror for a long time.
She was right, there was some fat in places that should not be. We could even see my tummy and that was not elegant.
Yup, I should probably not eat it. I wasn't that hungry anyway...
I grab my dance bag and walk out of my house, heading to the bus stop.
Today I had duet practice with James. Or should I say with James, Miss Kate and Beth...
After a fight I had with James last week, Miss Kate decided that she would be present in every rehearsal, which was actually a good idea because otherwise there was no way this duet was going anywhere.
But Beth... OMD... She would come every time and just shout how amazing James was, how "his babe" was so proud of him and criticize everything that I did... Then, she would make out with him in the middle of Studio A every time we had "water break"...
So, as you may imagine, I am not really thrilled about going to the studio... Actually, going there for any reason wasn't as fun as it once was...
I am dancing worse and worse everyday tha passes, I can't really foccus because I keep thinking abou James and how much it hurts me.
Emily and Michelle have already noticed it and they already talked to me and suggested taking a few days off the studio but that led to a huge fight between them and I decided to stay because, if though it hurt like hell, I needed to see James...
He, on the other side, seemed to not care about anything. Ever since he started dating Beth that he is completely changed.
He comes late for rehearsals, or doesn't even show up. He is not really foccused either.
So, as you can see, the studio is a mess... We are going to National for the first time and it seems like no one is actually enjoying this trip... I just hope things change, and quickly...
I arrive at the studio at 8:15. I told James to meet me at the Studio at 8:30 but I always like to come earlier.
Miss Kate waves from her office and I smile in return.
I change to my dance clothes, get two bottles of water for me and James and start warming up.

I change to my dance clothes, get two bottles of water for me and James and start warming up

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I do this for a while and when I feel like I am ready, I look at th clock. 8:35. Well, of course he is late... But I will give him a few more minutes.
I start going through the routine, just marking it as I wait for him.
I do it three times and still no sign of him...
I look at the clock once again.
Well, that's a bit too much, right, James?
Miss Kate comes out of her office.
"Hey, Riley. Where's James?"
"i don't know... He is late again... Probably with Beth..." I whisper the last part because it break my heart to say that. I guess I still don't believe he got over me so quickly... It just proves that my theory that he actually never cared is right.
"This can't continue... I am going to have a conversation with him and then with his mother"
I nod because I feel it's the right thing to do. His mom will be so disappointed though...
Just then, James walks in the Studio, his hand around Beth's waist.
He is already dressed in his dance clothes and after kissing her, he walks to where Miss Kate and I are standing.
"Yo... What's up? Why those looks?" He asks laughing.
Miss Kate shakes her head.
"James do you know what time it is?" I ask
"Uhm... Yeah, 8:51... What's up?"
"James, you are 20 minutes late..." Miss Kate states, crossing her arms
"It's not that much... Don't even worry about it..." He says chucking a bit.
"James this not something funny! This is our duet for Nationals! Do you care about the team at all?" I ask, screaming at him.
"I am sick of this, Riley! What's the point of this duet if I have to do everything like you want? You don't let me do anything by myself and you are always saying that I am doing things wrong... I am done!" He replies getting closer to me. That's when I smell it. He smells like smoke and not from a fire.
"OMG James! Now, you are smoking? What's wrong with you!" I ask hitting him on the chest.
"What!? No! I wasn't smoking!"
"You stick like smoke, James!!! Do you think I am dumb? OMG... I can't believe it! You are a jerk! You know what!? I am done too! I quit the duet! You are not worth trying..."
Miss Kates looks at me and is about to say something when James cuts her off.
"Fine! You were probably gonna screw thing up like you did at Regionals! So I quit too!"
His words make my insides break and I can't handle it anymore... I close my eyes as tears start to fill them and I feel a bit dizzy. Beth is laughing.
As I open them, I see James looking at me, something close to regret in his eyes.
"James! How dare you say something like that to her! I don't recognise you anymore!" Miss Kate shouts
I start walking out of the Studio when suddenly I feel my head spining around. James is really close to me so I lean on him.
He looks at me confused. "Let go of me!" He says, taking my arms of his.
Just then, I lose my balance and feel the ground under me disappear, and then everything blacks out.
A/N: i will post another one today :)

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