Happy Birthday! - part 2

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A/N: I have been a bit lazy and have done this for a while but I just wanted to thank you all for Reading my story, commenting and voting! It means the world to me and it's what keeps me carrying on when I am feeling really down. So, yeah, thank you all for making my day brighter!

James's POV

Of course I didn't Forget Riley's birthday! I mean I Forget thing a lot but I have been couting the days for a surprise I have for her, so yeah, I did know it was today.

When everyone screams "Surprise! Happy birthday!", I can see that Riley is completely shocked. It's actualy hilarious but so cute. Her jaw drops na then she blushes, being hugged by everyone present.

Emily and I have been working on this birthday party for a few days. Since I got my driver's license last Sunday it was pretty easy to get everything that we needed.

We are actually using one of my uncle Enzo's warehouse, where most of the importante family events happen. Well, this is a family event. If not because A-troupe is like a family, then because Riley is my life.

We invited A-troupe, some member from B-troupe, Miss Kate and Phoebe, as well as my sisters and her friends form school.

My parents and her parents were coming later, after work.

When everyone is done hugging Riley, I am wanting for my turn. I stepped aside so she could have more space.

She begins looking around, propably searching for me, and when she finda me, a huge smile shows up in her face. I return her smile. She runs to me and I open my arms to her. She throws herself in my arms, placing her arms around my neck and I hold her by her waist.

"Happy Birthday, Riles!" I whisper in her ear making her giggle. She lets go of me and says "Thanks, James! I really thought everyone had forgot about me..."

"Not a chance! Everyone loves you. See?" I ask pointing to all the people in front of us who were here for her.

She nods. "Thank you, James. I really loved it."

"Naw, don't even worry about it" I say and she mimics me.

A song from Brighter Brightest starts playing. Riley squeal and heads to where people are dancing.

I shake my head smirking and head there too.


A while later, everyone is chating and I decide it's a good time to give Riley my surprise.

So I text some friends and let them know they can come.

I glance at Riley and see her laughing with girls. So I head to another room here at the warehouse.

"Yo! Everything ste up, guys?" I ask and they all nod. "Yeah, man. Everything ready for your gril" Luke answers and I smile.

"Let's hope so! Okay, let's go guys!" I say and they all follow me.

He head to where a stage is prepared, but it's hidden with a curtain so no one (other than me and this guys) not even Emily, knows it's here.

We get ready and I touch the button which opens the curtains.

Let the show begin!

Riley's POV

I am talking to the girls when all of sudden, a curtain (which I hadn't noticed was there) opens.

Behind there's a band, everyone gets closer and so do I. I have feeling I have already seen them...

But when I look at the back, to where the drummer is, I gasp."It's James..." I whisper and the girls squeal.

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