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A/N: Hey, Steppers! I know I have been gone for a while now but I am in my exam period, so I really need to study hard and I haven't had the time nor the head to write. But here it is. I couldn't sleep so decided to give you a lil gift ;)
It's big to make it up to you! Enjoy!

Michelle's POV
It seems like everything stops for a minute after Amanda's revelation. No one breathes. No one moves. Just as if time had stopped.
And then everything happens in fast motion.
Riley gets up and runs to what I suppose is the bathroom, tears streaming down her face. Emily follows her immediately sending death glares in James's direction.
But I doubt he noticed it, since basically everyone is either shouting or gesturing in his direction.
Miss Kate starts pacing back and forth, talking to herself.
Beth and Amanda are in the same spot, the first still crying on the other's shoulder. But the strange thing is, I can almost swear I saw a smirk in Amanda's face.
I must be imagining things... There's no way Amanda would be enjoying this...
If anything she would be a tiny bit hurt... Riley once told me she dated him when they were 14 or something...
Ig anything she should be a bit jealous...Right?
The noise around me starts to get unbearable so I decide to take action.
I whistle, winning everyone attention and a thankful look from James. Miss Kate gets the hint and decides to speak.

"Alright, everyone. I know this is a though situation and that you are all mad at James. However, screaming at James, right now, won't help. What's done it's done. It's their problem and of course it affects us, as a team. But we will figure this ouy in the best possible way we can. Alright?" Everyone nods and Miss Kates gives us a half-smile, before turning serious again. "James, Beth. My office. Now." She states and they follow her, along with Amanda.

I sit down next to the others, which are giving their opinion on the situation.
"I can't believe James... He truly can't keep his pants on... He ruined everything... And I am not only talking about the team... There's no way Riley will ever forgive him for doing this..." Giselle said shaking her head...
"Do you guys think he cheated on her or was it something from when they were broken up?" Thalia asked looking at Kate's office.
"Naw, man... I've seen how much James cares about Riley. What he would do for her. I mean the guy was practically crawling to get her back... I think it was a stupid accident that happened while he was with Beth..." Hunter replies crossing his arms. I had to agree with him. I mean I wanted to believe it was true... James loved...Loves Riley. He wouldn't do that...
"Yeah, dude. I have to agree with you on that... But I am surprised he didn't tell us anything when he slept with Beth because you know... He loves to tell all the details and give advises and..." West continued but I shushed him.
"Enough, West. We got it. Maybe he just forgot or something... Or maybe he just didn't want to tell you this time... Who cares... I don't... It's done... I just hope this doesn't ruin Nationals..." I whisper.
Everyone nods and the conversation about the topic continues.

A while later, Emily leaves with Riley, but she asks for space which we respect and no one moves from their seat.
I could see Riley was a mess. I felt so bad for her... She had gone throught so much with James already. And now this? Because of Beth again? I can't imagine what she is feeling.
As she as leaving, I saw James, through the windows in Miss Kate's office, following her with his eyes.
He looked hurt as well. Lost. This is being really hard for him as well.

A few minutes later, James's mom walks in the studio and storms to the office, followed by Beth's.
Everyone turns silent, I know that this is going to be ugly.
We can see a lots of movement. Debra pushing James's ear, crying and more crying.
Finally, they all leave the office, and it doesn't look like they bring good news.
Everyone stands up quickly, anxious to know what happened in there.
Miss Kate clears her throat and, honestly, I don't think I have seen her so stressed.
"Alright, dancers. We have discussed this matter among us and have come to a decision. Beth will stay out of the competion."
Everyone starts whispering "Of course." or "It makes sense."
Miss Kate clears her throat again, trying to bring us back to her attention.
"As will James."
Everyone starts freaking out.
"You can't take him off the team! We need him!" Giselles shouts.
"Yeah, we can't do this without him! He is like... Like... I don't know but he has to go. He's my bro, Mrs. Tordjman." West continues.
James shakes his head, looking completely devastated. I know he wanted to go to Nationals so badly and not being able to go must be really hard for him... Especially since he probably won't have another chance because he... Well, is going to be a dad.
Debra stars waving her hands above her head.
"No, kids. It's not worth it! We have discussed this already among us. James and Beth were stupid. They made a huge mistake, it's only fair James has the same consequence Beth does. Especially since we won't be the one carrying the child. It's time for him to grow up. Face the mess he has created. Don't even bother trying to make me change my mind. This is something to serious to ignore."
We all stayed quiet. Debra seemed pretty sure about what she thought was correct and somehow, even though it's not what I wanted of course, it's what is fairest.
"Mom, I have told you a million times, she is lying." James said and we all looked at him confused.

Was Beth lying? It was possible.

Beth started crying more and her mother rubbed her back.
"Don't even dare, young man. You destroyed my daughter's life and now you don't want to assume it? Not a chance!" Beth's mom almost shouted.
"Yes, James. Enought with that non-sense. Stop lying! Get your bag we are going home."
"Why won't anyone listen to me? I am telling the truth! I didn't sleep with her." James blurted pointing at Beth. "She is lying because she is obssessed with me!"
Giselles chuckled and nodded along with the boys.
"Well, you dated her. She is pregnant. Who's baby is it then?" Amanda asked, her arms crossed.
I was curious about why was Amanda so interested in this... Since when was she such a good friend of Beth's?

"Look, Mrs. Tordjman and Mrs. Smith, I know you must be very disappointed in your kid. We all are. But taking James out of the team is something that affects all of us, the whole team. You can punish him as much as you want. But we need him." I stated and everyone nodded.

"I am sorry Michelle but a baby isn't something small. It's a responsibility, and it affects everyone related to him as well. So James should have thought about it before having sex with this girl."
"My daughter!" Exclaimed Beth's mom,
I had heard from both James and Riley how much Debra loved Riley. Like her own daughter... And she had three! So this is something that must be fosting her a lot...
"Yeah... Enough of this! Let's all go home. We need to have some serious conversations... Go grab your bag! Meet me in the car in 2 minutes!"
Miss Kate exchanged a few more word with both mom and dancers and then they left, except James and Amanda.
He headed to where his bag was and picked it up and then started ealking to the exit but he turned around and came to us.
"Look, everyone, I know you are all pretty mad at me. But believe me, I didn't sleep with that girl. She is lying! You know how she can be crazy... What she has done to break me and Riley apart... She can even not be pregnant! I don't know but I will prove my inocence!" He looked around, probably looking for Riley. "Please tell Riley what I just told you. She doesn't deserve this..."
West placed a hand in James shoulder. "Man, this is something very serious. If you are telling the truth, we will help you. We will find out what is really going on. Because... Bro, this is so messed up..."
James copied his gestured and reassured "I am."
And then he just sprinted out of the studio.

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