True love proof

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A/N: Hey! I'm back! Thanks for reading, commenting and voting!
I heard your suggestions and I'm gonna use them with my own touch ;)
So I just wanted to explain the timeline in my story.
Since there is noway Regionals, Nationals and Internationals were all held in the same year:
Regionals: September 2014
Nationals: January 2015
Internationals: July 2015
Jiley's date: 12th May

James's POV
I get home after dance rehearsals.
It has been two days since Riley left the Studio and I miss her already.
There's this sentence I have heard which is "Only when you lose something, do you realize the value of it" and it couldn't fit better my situation.
I mean, yeah, man, I know she was not my girl anymore but she was there. She was part of my daily life. Now, which excuse do I have to see her?
I am not close to Emily and they are not that close to the boys. Well, to Hunter yeah, but that wouldn't work either...
I stare at the ceiling thinking about the events of today.
We had one more day to fill in Riley's spot.
Emily said Riley would not come back at all but Miss Kate had a feeling she would. She didn't tell anyone out loud but if she didn't replace her yet is because she believes she will come back...
Today when Miss Kate said that auditions would be held she sent me this weird look...
What, she wanted me to bring Riley back?
How was I suppose to do that if she won't even look at me without screaming... And the others tried to convice her but failed...
Though I wish I could bring her back. And have her back... But if I at least got to see her everyday, that would be awesome already...
I lay in the sofa looking at ceiling, thinking about everything that happened in the last two months... Tomorrow would be my 6-month-aniversary with Riley, the second one without her... How did things end up like this?
Just this Summer we were so well, and so happy... And now... Well, now there's nothing...
"You know this is your fault, right?" I hear a voice say behind me. I sit and there she is, my 15-year-old sister Piper looking at me with her arms crossed.
"What do you mean?" I ask a bit confused. Does she know I was thinking about Riley...
She sighs and comes to where I am, sitting next to me on the couch.
"Look James, I know recently we haven't had the best relationship. But's because you have changed so much over the last couple of months... And that's because you miss her, but you don't want to feel that, so you changed. Mom thinks you smoke, James! And deep down, I know you don't. And I know you don't want to be like that. You just want Riley back... But since she didn't forgive you started being mean to her... Emily said you would make out in full swing with Beth right in front of her... How could do that to her, James? You know, when I saw you two together I always thought you were relationship goals... You guys were so cute and we could see that you love each other from miles apart... Even if you two didn't see it yourselves... I know you were hurt about Riley not forgive you but you shouldn't have taken it back on her... Did you once thought about how she was feeling? Why she wouldn't forgive you... It's not showing up with a new crazy girl the next day that you show Riley you want her back..."
"Who said I wanted her back?" I ask my sister. Riley didn't want me, how could I want her...
"Oh, James, please... It's obvious... You don't like Beth... If you did you would have brought her here to meet us like you did with Riley right on your first week... It's clear that everything about her affects you... Just admit already that you love her and miss her..." Piper said and I sighed...
"You know what? You're right , Piper... Everything that you said is right. I don't like Beth, she is annoying... I miss Riley like hell and i would do anything, anything to be able to hug her again. I miss everything about her, especially her laugh... But there is nothing that I can do... Except try and control the pain and that's why I changed a bit..."
"You love her, James. And I know she loves you just as much. You need to get her back in the Studio and you are the only person who can do that. Getting her back for you, may take a bit more time... Trust needs to be build..."
I nodded and smilled slightly at my sis. "When did you get so mature?" I ask her making her smile.
"When I had to become the big sister. You will get her back. Don't even worry about it!" She replys and winks at me.
I sigh. I know my sister is right, I just need to think about a way to get Riley back to the Studio... And maybe to me as welll...
Then, my youngest sister walks in the room with a drawing in her hand.
"Hey, Jamie!" She say smilling. "Hey, Popps! What did you draw?"
She shows me a drawing of a princess and a prince. "It's beautiful"
"Thank ya. Jamie, when is Riley coming back? I miss her..." She says pouting and I sigh.
Poppy was 5 and she really loved Riley. Ri was always so patient with her and I know they loved each other. She was almost like a mother to my sis. And I know Poppy was missing that figure in her life... Beth would never have that relationship with my sister...
"Well, sweetie, Riley is a bit mad at me right now so it may take a while for her to be happy and come here..."
"You know, Jamie, in all fairytales, the princess and the prince end up together, so I am sure she will be happy with you. You just have to make her happy"
"I know, Poppy, but it's a bit hard..."
"No, it's not. You just have to give her a "true love proof" like the princes do. For example, a true love kiss. It always works!" She replies excited and that gives a great idea.
"What do you think about going for a walk, Poppy?"
"Can we get a shawarma?" She asked and I laughed, she was sooo my sister.
"Maybe" I winked. "Let's go!"

A/N: hope you liked it... I think it was a bit crappy but well... Please comment and vote... Sorry for the mistakes...

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