The worry about it

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A/N: Hey! I have been sick so I couldn't update... Thinking about making a one-shot book... What do you think?
This is kind of a filler chapter... It's a bit crappy but oh well... Hope you enjoy. Please comment and vote ;)

James's POV
I am on my way to Riley's house. I'm picking her up for her weekly appointment with Dr.Reese, her psychiatrist
After our date, I had a conversation with her. I had noticed she had been eating better lately but still not the way she used to. And believe me she could eat A LOT! Also, she would wake up at night with nightmares basically everyday. I told her, I knew she was really independent and all but I was worried about her and wanted her to get better, so she agreed to talk to her parents.
Her family had a serious talk with her about what she was going through. She admitted her body image issues and how she had been really stressed, and agreed to go see a speacialist. I was really proud of her.
She was diagnosed with anxiety but the doctor said she wasn't in a state of serious anoxeria yet, which would make her treatment easier. She was given sleeping pills and a recomment diet, that would change every week so that she would go back to the really healthy one. She couldn't go from barely eating to fully eating. Her body needed to adjust and so did she.
The first week was the worst. She keep checking her weight and complaning about how she was getting fat. The pills would make her a bit grumpy in the morning and she would basically blame me everyday when I drove her to school or to the studio.
But things were better now. A lot better. Today will be her 5th appointement, which means she has been on treatment for a month and.... A week? Yeah that. She has been sleeping much better, which makes her feel lighter in the morning so she isn't as moody. Also, she is accepting better now the fact that she is gaining weight slowy because she lost a lot before. 12pound (6 kg) to be exact. But you know, you don't overcome a disease that easily especially a mental one.
That was another thing that was hard, Riley accepting that she had a mental disease. Firstly, she denied and kept stating she was fine; secondly, when she finally understood we were right, she felt ashamed and didn't want to even hear about it. After I talked to her and said that a mental disease is just like a physical one, only she was treated differently, I could see she was a bit more relaxed. But we still avoid the expression "mental disease", it makes her uncomfortable... Instead, Riley called it "The Worry about it", kind of in my honor for always being there for her.
I park outside her house. I knock on the door and am welcomed by Ri's mom.
"Good morning, Mrs. Raymond." I say smilling.
"Oh hey, James! I already told you a million times, call me Sophie!" She says while letting me in.
I shrug and look at the stairs.
"Well, Riley is just finishing getting ready. You can go up to her room."
"Thank you Mrs... Hum.., Sophie."
"You're welcome. Thank you so much. For picking her up!"
I nod and climb the stairs, heading to her bedroom. The door is slightly open, so I knock but get no answer.
I get in the room but no sign of Riley.
The first thing that catches my eye is a sparkly frame on the wall, next to lots of others. I smile at the memory. There is the paper with the autographs I got from "Brighter Brightest". It's so cute how she is obsessed with them.
I sit on her bed and grab the other frame that is standing there.
It's a picture of us. Riley says it's her favourite because she actually think she looks cute. She is always cute, beautiful to say the truth, but I love the picture as well. It was taken on the first dance class after Regionals. Miss Kates likes to record the "first days", so West is in charge of filming. Yeah I know what a choice. Anyway, he was trying to convince Riley to smile so he would take a picture but she didn't want to, due to her braces. So I, like the awesome boyfriend that I am, ran to her and hugged her from behind, making her laugh, which led to the picture. (A/N: I know it's small and all but you get the idea, couldn't find it anywhere else...).

I feel an arm around my shoulders and smile, turning my head to the small figue next to me

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I feel an arm around my shoulders and smile, turning my head to the small figue next to me.
Riley is there standing, still wearing her sleeping clothes (my jumper and a pair of leggings), looking like she is having a battle inside herself.
I lift my eyebrow. "What's up, Riley?" I ask in a serious tone. She sits next to me, lying on my lap.
I play with her hair and kiss her on the cheek. She turns so she is facing me and pouts.
"I don't wanna go..." She whispers in a rather childish voice. I give an Eskimo kiss.
"Riley, we talked about this. It's for your own good. You know that..."
She closes her eyes. "I know but the doctor will tell me that I will have to eat even more. That will make me put on even more weight as if I hadn't already! I am sick of this! Why does eveyone have to control me? Why can't I eat what I want and have whatever the weight it is that I want... But no... I lost a few pound and you had to make a drama... Why couldn't you let me be skinny? Are you making this so you can get back with Beth because I am fat?" Riley rambles and starts sniffing.
I pick her up and place her on my lap, making her face me. I scoop her face in my hand and kiss her forehead, wipping the tears staining her cheeks.
"Riley, just stop it! I am not making anything to harm you! I want you to be okay! That's the same thing your parents  want and your sister wants! You didn't lose a few pound, you lost 12... That's a lot considering how skinny you were already. Remember when we want to try tricky lifts, we always start with you because you are the lightest... No, you are literaly the smallest girl in A-troupe. And the way you were before, I could even pick you up with one arm, no lying... And if you want to go to Nationals you have to be healthy, Ri. And being skinny isn't what important! You already are skinny, I know repeating this won't make you believe it but trust me I am not lying! You have to eat better so that you can keep up with the speed of Nationals. And you want to look beautiful in your costumes, right?"
Riley is paying attention to what I am saying and nods. Smiling a bit.
I touch her hips and squeeze lightly. "And curves are really sexy". She blushes and hides her head in my chest.
I kiss her neck. "Do you believe me? When I say you look great?" I whisper in her ear.
She embraces me and whispers back. "I do. I am sorry, I am just nervous."
I let go of her, getting up and placing her down. "You'll be alright. Now get dressed or we will be late. I will be downstairs."
She nods opening her dresser and picking up an outfit.
I knew what this was about. Today we would have a fitting of our costumes. That and the fact that now we have the duet back. It's probably making her stressed. I will have to think of something to make her feel better...

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