When the war is over

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James's POV
Riley has been acting really strange...
Since she left the changing rooms, followed by Giselle, Chloe and Thalia, that she has been acting mad at me and I can see that she is sad.
To make matters worse, Beth has been all over me today, trying to hug me and talk to me. I thought she had finally understood that I didn't want to be with her but it was hard...
When we finished rehearsals of our semi-finals routine, Beth came to me, running. Most of the people went downstairs to grab juices but I wanted to speak with Riley.
"Jameeees! Wasn't I awesome? I mean I danced so well... Like no flaws, right?" She asked annoyingly.
"Yeah, sure. I wasn't paying attention"
Beth giggled and from the corner of my eye, I saw Riley storming out of Studio A.
I tried to go after her but Beth kept me in place.
"Where are you going? Don't you want to go downstairs with me and grab a juice? Just the two of us?" She asked curling her hair in her hand. Chloe and Giselles looked at me, as if trying to tell me something. They also seem, disapointed? I don't know... But I need to talk to Riley.
"Beth, look I don't care about you right now. You have to find someone else. Like Charlie! I am sure he will love you. Go talk to him!" I said, ignoring her reply as I headed to the corridor.
When I got in from of the Music room, I hear a song playing. It's "When the War is Over".
I got to the door, not getting in, and see Riley dancing.
She had her pointe shoe and was dancing a pretty dark routine. I could see that she is expressing her feelings through out the dance, her face clearly showing traces of sadness and hurt.
I felt my heart tighten, and I just wanted to run to her and hug her. Make her feel safe and happy again.
But my worst fear at the moment is, if I am the cause of her sadness, how am I suppose to help her.
I don't understand what I may have done...
When the song got to the end, Riley reached her final pose and started breathing heavily.
When she got up, I saw that she was crying and quicky entered the room.
Riley saw me, she looked even unhappier, angrier... And she turned around, so that she wouldn't face me.
I heard her sob and that hit me, like a punch in the stomach. It was my fault that she was this way.
"James... Plea...se just... Leave..." She stammered.
"Look, Riley. I don't know why you are so angry... I don't know what I did... Please just tell me... I can't handle seeing you like this..."
She turned around, her face completely wet from her tears, and bit her lip, like she did when she was frustrated.
"You don't know what you did? You don't know, what you did..." She mumble walking from one side to the other.
"You have to be a horrible to person to play with someones feeling twice. What do you win from hurting me? Hum? I don't understand , James... Is it like a game to you... Break Riley's heart. Is it the Jeth game? Destroy Riley? Because guess what, you are accomplishing it!" She states and that even got me more confused.
"Riley, I don't understand... I though we had gotten over my kiss with Beth, the last couple of months... I really am not getting it..."
Riley inhaled deeply and then exhaled. "You told me this morning that I was the first person you were driving... That I was really important, and that you had got you driver's license so you could give me a ride... And guess what, that made me feel really special... Cared... But then, when I got to the changing rooms, Beth came talk to me about how such a nice guy you were, always giving rides to people that needed, and how your date with her on sunday was amazing and bla bla... And you know how I felt then? Like trash, James... I felt like trash..."
"What the hell did Beth say? I am so gonna kill her... It's all a lie, Riley! She was just saying that to affect you..."
"James, please... Spare me! I am already hurt, don't lie to me anymore!" She screamed and started walking out but I grabbed her arms gently. She death glares me but I let her go.
"Riley, I am telling the truth! And I am gonna prove it! Just hold there 2 seconds!"
I ran to my bag and got my phone, coming back to where I was.
Riley looked annoyed, but she had stopped crying.
I looked for my mom's contact and called her. After the 4th ring, she answered. I put it on speaker.
"Yes, my sugarnut Jamie... What can mama help you with?"
"Hey, mom! When did I get my driver's license?"
"Oh, James... You're getting worse than me! How can you have such a bad memory? How can you forget something you did yesterday? We went yesterday, before my zumba class? Remember? I left you there after you passed your exam and took your sisters home. You said the first person you would drive would be Riley... Gosh, James... How could you forget! Did you go get the girl home? Or did you forget that too? You better not! You can't treat such a amazing girl like that!"
"No, ma! I didn't forget her " I replied looking into Riley's eyes. "I would never do something like that. She is too special. Talk to you later!" I said and hang up the phone.
I stayed looking at Riley, and she looking at me in silence for about a minute. We just looked into each other eyes.
I could see that her expression had softened. I was the first to break the silence.
"See, Riley! I wasn't lying to you! I already said I was really sorry about the past. However, I can't change it... But I can chose the future... And I learnt with my mistakes..."
Riley looked down and sighed. "I am sorry too... I should have asked you first... But you hurt me so much last time... It's really hard to trust completely at you again... And well, I couldn't blame  you if you didn't think I was too special ..."
"Riley, you are the most amazing person ever! Everyone loves you and cares about you! You are an awesome dancer and a great friend. Don't ever doubt you, okay?"
She shrug and sighed. "Okay..."
"Now come here!" I said opening my arms to her. She hesitated but then she hugged me. I kissed the top of her head and inhaled her scent.
She relaxed in my arms and held me closer.
"What do you think about going to get an ice cream from "Sparkling ice"?
Riley stepped away from me, eyes lightned and a smile in her face. "Can we?"
"Of course! I can take you wherever you want!"
Her smile grew. I wipped the tears from her face and kissed her forehead.
"Go get changed. I will meet you five."
Riley nodded and "ran" (in her pointe shoes) to her bag, making me chuckle.
It's always so funny to see her excited over things!

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