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A/N: Not sure if this is a good chapter... I just needed to write some cute moments already so... Enjoy!
James's POV
Having dinner with Beth was kinda fun. She was as chilled as I am so we get along pretty well. Those couple of hours were great to keep my mind away from my break up with Riley.
But, as soon as I got home, everything just came back to me and I was finally aware of what had happened.
Riley broke up with me. My Riley was no longer my Riley... She was no longer my girl...
Man, I really screwed it... But why couldn't she see my side of things? She kept running away when the serious conversation started... I don't get her.
I go straight to my room, not feeling like talking to anyone right now... Especially my family...
They love, loved, Riley... So this would be a hard conversation... Probably I will just be lectured but well...
I am not gonna worry about it now.
I close my bedroom's door and the first thing that pops to me is a picture of me and Riley, in my nightstand.
I sit in my bed looking at it for a while.
It was taken during Regionals. Actually, it was Giselle who took it without us even knowing.
I am hugging Riley, my arms wrapped around her waist and her face snuggled in my chest. She is smilling and so am I. I had just comforted her.

After Riley's accident on stage and us losing that round, Riley had freaked out. She kept apologising and blaming herself.
Honestly, I didn't understand why everone was worrying so much about this... I mean we could still be chosen to come back to the competition and I was pretty sure we would, I mean we're great.
After reminding everyone about this possibility, I could feel relieve in the air followed by stress...
Riley had again apologised and after everyone told her to shut up, she nodded and left the room.
I knew better than that. There was no way Riley would be that calm all of a sudden. Althought I did wish she was.
I follow her and find her crying in a studio where teams got to practise their routine.
I get inside and sit next to her on the floor, wrapping my arm around her shoulder and kissing her forehead.
"Riles, baby, it wasn't your fault... It could have happened to anyone... Don't worry about it!"
She shakes her head and places it in my shoulder. "It could have been anyone, James... But it had to be me... I had to mess everything up... I am such a loser!"
"C'mon, Riley! Please! It wasn't your fault, man... You didn't do anything wrong! And you are no loser! You are a great dancer! And we can still get back in competition. Which I am totally sure we will because we killed it!"
Riley shakes her head again. "But if it hadn't messed up then we would have passed already and no one would be worried at the moment... I am just so sor..."
I crush my lips to hers, making her shut up. Not that I didn't like hearing her, because her voice was so sweet and adorabel, but because she needed to calm down.
At first she is in shock but soon she joins me. Her lips feel soft from crying, moving passionately against mine. She embraces my neck and I lift her, placing her in my lap. Our kiss becomes rougher but still full of passion and love. My hands get down to her waist and I caress it, gaining a soft moan in return.
After a few minutes of kissing, I pull away to catch my breath, but keep my forehead against hers.
She has her eyes shut but a shy smile lights her face.
"Better?" I whisper in her ear and she shivers. Her face turns red as she blushes. God, she is so shy that it's adorable!
"Yeah..." She whispers, opening her beautiful brown eyes, a bit puffy from crying.
I get up quickly with her still in my laps and spin her around making her giggle and says "Put me down, James" a few times. I finally place her down, and there is a gorgeous smile in her face.
"There is what makes my day brigther!" She shakes her head and hits my chest playfully, and I react pretending that she hurt me. "Stop it!" She tells me but pulls me into a tight hug, snuggling in my chest.
We stay like that for a few minutes until we hear a strange giggle. Giselle.
"OMG, you guys are so cute! Look at this" she says showing us the picture she had just taken.
It was in fact adorable I have to admit. " I want a copy of that!" I tell Giselle which makes both of the girls smile.
End of flashback

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