B. G.

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A/N: Thank you so much for all the comments and the votes! Love you!
James's POV
Right now I am driving to a place I don't know, to meet B. G., whatever that stands for...
I just hope it's not Beth... Gosh, I have 0 patience for her obsession with me... Yeah I get it, I am hot and an amazing dancer, but did it have to be me? I mean I have a girlfriend. We are not in the best terms, but she is still my girl.
I know I should sit down and talk to her, make this right. But I am afraid serious talks might cause losing her. That's the last thing I want.
So I am heading somewhere to meet Gosh-knows-who, to keep my mind of this. Sounds legit.
When I got to my car after rehearsals, there was this map on my seat.
I know, who leaves a map in my car? It's not like I am  one to follow the rules... That's Riley.
But something caught my eye. First of all there was this note attached to it which said "Meet here at 7 pm. B. G. " And then the map had a route drawn... So I figured, why not go on this trip... What's the worst thing that can happen?
You know what, I won't even worry about it!
I take a left just as the map tells me to and for some reason the route seems slightly familiar. It's a bit dark but still, I have the feeling I have been here.
I continue following the directions and finally, after the 30-minute-drive, I arrive at my destination.
I park my car in front of an apparently abandoned place. I look around searching for another car or someone but I see nothing, so I decide to leave the car.
It's rather cold outside, being late Autumm. I take a few steps and recognise the place. It's a small park, with high trees and a small lake. I used to come here when I was little and wanted to think. It had always a speacial meaning to me. But who could know that?
I take a few more step and look at the floor, suddenly it is covered in little lights, making it much easier to see what in front of me.
There, by the lake, is a blanket on the floor, a basket standing there too. There are two pillows and two big backpacks.
I frown and continue walking, this time slowly, because, well, I am a bit scared now.
All of a sudden, I feel two arms surround me and I scream. Yes, as a matter of fact, I screamed... But no one needs to know.
I place my hands above the person's ones and relax.
I turn around in her embrace so that I am facing her and she is bitting her lip not to laugh. I put on a mad face but then we both burst into laughter.
She lets go of me. And we look into each others eyes .
"What is this, Riley?" I ask pointing to the scene in from of us.
Riley shrugs and looks down. "Well, you have tried so hard to show me how much I mean to you and I... I just wanted to do a little surprise to you."
I smile and take her hands. "I love it! How did you know I liked it here?" I ask curious.
Although the light is faint, I could see her blushing. "Well, I kind of saw you here a few times after we broke up. And, it's beautiful, so I thought why not?"
I chuckle and shake my head. "You followed me?" I ask shocked. I thought I was the one who did it.
"No! Uhm... Of course not... I was just walking by and saw you..." She replies, clearly lying.
"Okay! Okay! I am sorry for assuming you wanted my company!" I say, holding my arms in the air.
She looks to what she set for us and pulls me with her.
She sits down and I follow her, staying across from her on the blanket. Honestly, I wanted to sit next to her but I am afraid that might scare her, so here is fine.
Riley clears her throat getting my attention back to her and she smiles timidly.
"Well, so as you can see, I set out a date for us. Complete with shawarma!" She says opening the basket and taking out two packages.
"OH my Gosh! I haven't had shawarma in so long! It reminded me..."
"Of that time we went on the bus?" She asks, her smilling getting bigger with hope.
"Yes! It was an aamzing day!"
"I though you had forgotten about that..." She whispers looking down.
I grab her chin gently, stroking her cheek. "How could I? It was when you held my hand for the first time. It was on the song I wrote for you."
She looks me in the eye and gets even pinker.
"Yeah, so I also baked one of your favourite..." She starts
"Oh no! Did you make those awesome cheese breads I love?" I ask getting up and pointing at her and the basket.
She nods, entertained by my reaction.
I get down on my knees, taking a box with those gifts from heaven. I kiss her cheek.
"Riley, your the best girlfriend ever!" I exclaim and she giggles.
"Yeah, yeah... You just want me for the food..." She replies, crossing her arms.
I shake my head. "Of course not, Riley. I... " I clear my throat "Have you felt..."
"A little out of sink?" She continues and I nod.
"Yeah, but I don't think we should stop trying. There's nothing I want more than to be with you..."
"Maybe that's problem... I think we are trying too hard to make things as they were. But we are not the same, and who knows, may be it's for the better..."
"Yeah, you're right... I was just afraid you didn't want me anymore and would realise it and leave me..."
"James..." She starts but I cut her off. "But I think this surprise made things pretty clear for me" I said smiling and she corresponds.
"I missed your smile" I admit, making her blush, which makes me grin even more.
She reaches out for my cheek and caresses it. "And I missed those cute dimples"
"Oh.... You're saying my dimples are cute? Did I just hear that?!" I exclaim, pretending not to hear well.
She hits my arm. "Oh shut up, Tordjman! We should eat, otherwise it will get cold..."
She hadn't even finished her sentence and I had already atacked my shawarma.
What? You don't refuse and invitation to start eating....
She rolled her eyes and I squeezed her noise.
The rest of the meal went out great, with us talking about what I had done for her and our routines for Nationals. We even danced to "We go". It was amazing.
I lay down on the blanket, arms and legs open, like a star.
Riley giggles.
"I am completely full..." I whisper, felling like I had lost a battle against food.
"It's not my fault you ate like a pig..." Riley mumbles, while cleaning everything.
I slap her leg playfully. "Well, yes it is, Miss.... If you hadn't brought such delicious food, I wouldn't be like this..."
Riley rolls her eyes and lies down on my chest. I kiss her forehead.
We stay like this for a while, just enjoying each other, while looking at the stars.
I start feeling sleeply and look at my watch. 12:20 pm.
I quickly sat up, making an almost-asleep-Riley confused. She rubs her eyes.
"It's past midnight, Ri. As much as I am enjoying being here with you and wouldn't want to be anywhere else, I have to stay alive to do that..."
Riley shakes her head, clearing her thoughts.
"I almost forgot! I already talked to your mom, so it's fine. Actually I thought we could camp... I brought a tent and your mom helped me pack some stuff for you. There's your dance clothes and all so you don't have to worry. But I am not sure if you want to. It's fine if you don't... I mean it's just that you always said you wanted to go camping with me and this was..." She starts to ramble and I smash my lips to hers.
I pick her up and sit her on my lap, kissing her passionately, she corresponds, her lips feeling soft and demanding against mine.
After a few minutes, I pull back. She bites her lip, like she always does.
"You have to stop worrying so much, baby. I always want to be with you!"
She takes a deep breath as if preparing to say something important.
She looks me straight in the eyes, and I can almost feel everything she does.
"I love you." She says and I am in complete shock for a while, just looking at her. I see her getting anxious in front of me and I pull her to my arms, hugging her tightly.
"I love you too, baby. And that's all that matters." I reply, kissing her neck.

Later, when we had already pulled up the tent and after a fight about who stayed in what sleeping bag, which ended up with her sleeping on my arms, something pops up in my mind.
"Riley?" I whisper.
"Yes..." She mumbles.
"What does B. G. stand for?" I ask curious.
Even without seeing her face I know she is blushing.
"Baby girl" she replies fast, as if that would make it less painful to admit.
I chuckle. "I thought you didn't like that nickname..." I tease, kissing her behind her ear.
"I don't." She says turning around so that her back is facing me. I hold a chuckle.
I bend over and whisper in her ear. "Sleep tight. Love you, baby girl."
I feel her smiling and she turns around, embracing my waist.
"I love you too, idiot."

A/n: well, that was long I know but I actually usaully enjoy long chapter... Sorry, if you don't...
It took me three days to write this and I am still not happy with it...
It's kind of crappy I know but I tried...  I wanted their date to be perf but oh-well, this is what I got...
So sorry...

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