Trouble in paradise

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Riley's POV
Me and James walk in the Studio A, later that day, hand-in-hand.
We spent the whole day together, and it was great... It really was but... I don't know... Something is not right with James and I...
He seems really insecure and everytime he holds me, he holds me really tight, almost as if he was afraid I was going to disappear ...
I was still a bit... I don't know, afraid that he would replace me for Beth so I am trying not to say anything that might upset him or make him feel like he doesn't want me anymore.
When we step in the room, everyone smiles at us, well except Beth of course. He gives me a quick kiss in the forehead and walks to the boys, and I walk to the girls.
My sister is looking at me, a smirk on her face and the others have the same mischievious look on their faces.
I squint and sit next to Chloe on the floor, still being eyed.
"What?" I ask a bit loud.
"So, did you enjoy James's little surprise?" Emily asks, crossing her arms.
I feel myself blush a bit. "Well, yes, of course. We went out for breakfast and then went for a drive to the beach. It was cool".
"Hum hum... Yeah sure Riley... Was that all?" My sister continues. "No kisses? Nothing?"
I feel myself blush even harder. "Uhm... We kissed... Once... Yeah" i mumble and they giggle.
"By the look on your face, Ri, it must have a been a hell of a kiss." Giselle says and I put my face on my hands.
Luckily for me, Miss Kate walked into that Studio then.
"Alright dancers! We need to start practising our finals routine! I wanted to show you the song I chose with Emily and Michelle, and maybe we can discuss some ideas."
After a while discussing what everyone thought was right, we started choreogtaphying. I was James's partner when it come to lifts and duet sections. I was so thrilled but things weren't working as they should.
Everyone's lifts were on point but ours seemed like... Like if we had never met. We were too insecure and careful, so yeah, it's almost a disaster. But no one said a thing... Thank God!
When rehearsal was over, I ran to the girls' changing room and applied cold water on my face.
Everyone was heading to Culture Shock but I needed sometime alone.
I don't understand... We were great this morning when we...kissed... Why was everything so strange now?
Emily gets in and sits next to me.
"Tell me what's up, Ri." She demands me, holding me closer to her.
I explain everything to her, how I feel and how we have been acting and she listens attentively to what I am saying.
"And what I don't understand is, when we kiss, nothing like that happens, it's like there is no problem... We kissed before we came to the studio and we were fine but after that... I don't know what to do..." I finish whispering.
"Riley, I know it's all overwhelming now... I mean you broke up and both got hurt, and now 2 months later you're back together... James has been trying really hard to get you back, so you do know he cares about. A lot! Maybe he is just afraid that you haven't completely forgiven him. Or maybe is unsure about your feelings for him... Boys can be complicates too but in your case, I think you both are overthinking... You just have to concentrate on what you feel."
Well, I just want things to be as good as they were... Maybe we are just not meant to be..." I whisper looking at my feet.
Emily caresses my cheek.
"Sis, if there is anything that is meant that is for sure Jiley. I wish I had the connection you have with James! It's clear that your feeling for one another are really strong. You just need stop worrying so much..."
"Yeah... I love him..." I admit for the first time. Emily smiles and hugs me.
"Then show him that!" She whispers in my ear, getting up after that.
"Thanks, Em!"
"No problem, Ri. I am always here when there's trouble in paradise!" She says making us both chuckle and then she leaves.
I have to think about something that shows him just how much I appreaciate being back together... I just need to think a bit...
A/N: yeay! 2x1! I hope you enjoyed it! Please vote and comment. And have any suggestion for Riley's love proof? Tell me over comment or PM ;)

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