Chapter 17: Goodbye.

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The week went by very quickly. Too quickly. I awoke on that morning with a headache and a pain in my stomach. I didn't want to get up, knowing that today was the day I'd have to let her go. Instinctively my hand went to the other side of the bed to find Aurora's hand but I instead found the coldness if the sheets. I sat upright and it made my head swirl.

"Aurora?" I whispered. No answer.

I got up and went to the kitchen. She wasn't in there either. I checked her bedroom; not in there. Finally I checked the sitting room. There she was sitting there, staring at a blank screen.

"Aurora. What's wrong?" I asked walking over to her.

"I don't wanna leave you, Jake." She whispered.

"Hey, hey. You listen to me, this is a great opportunity for you. You'd be stupid not to go." I told her. She nodded and I walked over to hug her.

That was 2 hours ago. Now I'm sitting in my car waiting for her to come out of the house. She comes out with her bag; her suitcase is already in the back of the car. We drive to the train station in silence. I get out and carry her suitcase into the train station for her. We have to wait for 15 minutes for her train to come.

15 minutes until we have to be apart.

15 minutes until she leaves me for two months.

"I'm going to miss you." I tell her.

"Oh Jake." Aurora whispers, grabbing my hand and holding it for dear life.

We sit silence for a while and before I know it, it's only 5 minutes until her train arrives.

4 minutes. Silence.

3 minutes. Silence.

2 minutes. Silence.

1 minute. Tears.

"I love you Jake. I'll see you soon. Promise me you'll call me everyday and we'll Skype every weekend. You promise, don't you?" She says in between sobs.

"I promise. I promise you everything. I promise. I promise I'll never let you go. Promise." I say to her over and over until her train comes. I help her onto it and she sits at a window so she can see me. The train starts to move and Aurora puts a small hand onto the window. I raise my hand and watch her leave. See her leave. Hear her leave. Feel her leave. And the only other thing I feel is a missing piece.

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