Chapter 13: Take orders

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For what seems like forever, I lie on the warehouse floor thinking of Aurora. The phone beeps, pulling me out if my thoughts.
•From: Your True Love
Be ready to see us. 5 minutes. x

They'll be here in five minutes. Are they bringing Aurora? Are they coming to kill me? Are they coming to hurt me again? All these questions whizz through my head and I have no answers for them. Yet.

Exactly five minutes later I hear doors rattling from the other side of the warehouse. I haven't moved since I woke up except to look at the phone.
"Hello?" I call out.
I hear two sets of footsteps.
"Well hey there, Jake. Long time no see, eh?" I recognise the voice as Casey's.
"Where's Aurora? Is she okay? I swear if you hurt her I'll-"
"Don't worry Jake. She's just fine. For now." This time it's my mother who speaks.
"Did she make you do this, Casey? My mother, did she make you do this?" I ask quickly.
"No, she didn't. I contacted her and she came up with the plan."
"You should have married Casey. She would've made a great daughter-in-law." My mother pipes in.
"What do you want me to do?" I ask them. I probably won't have to do anything they ask me to do. An escape plan is already forming in my head. I'm good at forming those, thanks to my mother.

When I was younger she'd keep prisoner in the house for days. She wouldn't feed me, she'd make me do work and she would hit me if I didn't do a good job. I escaped ten times when I was younger and every time she would, or the police, would find me and bring me back home. I wouldn't dare tell the police what she'd been doing to me. I feared they wouldn't believe me.

"We want you to steal something for us." My mother says, breaking me out of my memory.
"What is it?" My head is spinning so I squeeze my eyes shut.
"Money. From your dads gang." Casey says like its the most normal thing in the world.
"Oh, right." My dads gang was massive. It wasn't the best thing to be doing. Casey and my mother smiled.
"Your Aurora is at her house. She's fine and she'll stay fine if you stay away. You got that." Casey tells me, a big grin plastered on her face. She turns around, so does my mother and that's when I do it. I grab them both. Casey's neck is in the crook of one arm, my mother's neck in the crook of the other. I'm not choking them, just restraining them. There's a piece of rope on the ground and a gun that Casey dropped when I grabbed her. I quickly let go of my mother and grab the gun. I point it at her, Casey's neck still in my arm.
"Don't move. Both of you."
"Jake. Why are you doing this?" My mother whispers.
"I don't take orders from either of you two. You don't mean anything to me. II'm going to walk out of here and live my life as I want to live it. The two of, and I'll make sure of it, will have nothing to do with my life. Do you understand?" I say with an edge to my voice. They both nod, so I let Casey go and she stumps over to my mother.
"Goodbye. For good." I give them a quick salute before turning around. Then I walk out of there, leaving them behind me.

Treat you right. (A Jake Bugg Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz