Chapter 8: Make Me Feel

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When I got back into the car Aurora was looking at me, puzzled.

"Tell you later." I mumbled, starting the car. I drove to a different shop to get what we needed for the picnic.

"So, where are we going for the picnic?" Aurora inquired, smiling. When she smiled it seemed as if all your troubles would just disappear, just like that.

"It's a surprise." I told her with a wink. She giggled.

Ten minutes later we reached a wooded area. I loved this place.

"It seems a little, uhm well, scary." She told me, biting her lip.

"Don't worry we just have to go through the wood to get to the place." I reassured her. Aurora smiled in response. We got all the picnic stuff and I led the way into the woods. It was only a short journey through the woods but I could tell Aurora was a bit scared. So I reached back and laced my fingers with hers. Soon we had reached the the clearing in the woods.

I turned around to Aurora and said, "Close your eyes." She did and I guided her through the opening. We had come out into a field full of flowers. Red ones, blue ones, purple ones and yellow ones. A patch of grass sat in the middle of the field; a perfect place to set up our picnic.

"You can open your eyes now." I whispered into her ear.

"Oh Jake," She gasped. "It's so beautiful."

"A beautiful place for a beautiful girl." I said, winking. Aurora laughed and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

Aurora made me feel like nothing could go wrong, like nothing bad was ever going to happen if I stayed with her. She made me feel safe. She made me feel complete. Aurora made me feel loved, whereas Casey made me feel like trash. Nothing but a worthless piece of dirt to look down upon. Casey made me feel like nothing. I think I could finally let Casey go now, although it scares me what she would do.

Treat you right. (A Jake Bugg Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now