Chapter 10: Listen

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Casey sits at the kitchen table with a cup of cold coffee in front of her. I sit opposite her, boxes of my stuff on the floor and on the counters.

"I'm sorry." Casey sighs, turning the pink cup around in her hands. Her nails are painted black with white polka dots.

"You should probably say that to Aurora." I reply.

Earlier that day, while I was packing my things, Aurora came to help me. We were messing with each other, I was grabbing her and throwing her on the bed tickling her, when we heard a sob. We turned to the doorway to see Casey standing there, a tear rolling down her cheek. One minute Casey was standing at the door, the next she was pushing me onto the floor. She stood up and hit Aurora across the face. I grabbed her and tried to pull her away. I wrapped my arms around her and lifted her off the bed. Casey trashed around for a bit and then stopped, just sobbing. She slowly sank to the floor. Aurora sat on the bed, holding her cheek and looking shocked.

I could tell Casey was remembering the horrid event just as I was.

"I just got jealous. You love her a lot don't you?" Casey takes a gulp of her coffee and slams the cup on the table.

"Casey, where are you staying when I move out?" I do worry about her even if she doesn't think it.

"I'll find a place, don't worry."

She gets up and slips on her coat.

"See you around Jake." Casey walks over to me and kisses me on the cheek.

I sit there not moving as Casey walks down the hall stopping at my bedroom to open the door and say sorry to Aurora. I sit listening to the sound of her shoes fade, I listen to her open the front door, I listen to her close it, I listen to nothing.


I wrote this one night at 12 o' clock. As I was writing I thought about all the different possibilities that can happen in your life. We take chances, not knowing what the outcome is going to be. We never know whats going to become of our actions, if it's a good or bad outcome we still have to live with it. And, as annoying as it can be, its one of life's greatest mysteries; not knowing what's going to happen. You never know, you could take a chance one day and it just might turn out to be the best chance you'll ever take. So, take chances and keep reading.

Rhiannon. x

Treat you right. (A Jake Bugg Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now