Chapter 9: Falling slowly

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When Aurora and I finish eating our picnic we lie on the blanket, looking at the sky. With the sun shining down on us, it felt like nothing could go wrong.

"What happened in the supermarket this morning, Jake? You looked upset when you came out." Casey asks, turning to face me.

"You know my friend, slash, flat mate Casey don't you? Well she was there in the supermarket shouting at people while holding up a picture,"

"Who's picture?"

"Mine. She was shouting at people to find me or something. She looked a mess too. When she spotted me she came running over telling me things like 'You're my everything' and 'I thought you were dead'. She was being a drama queen and I really wish she would get a boyfriend, so she could move out." I tell Casey, tracing circles on her arm.

"Oh Jake, that's terrible. Are you going to kick her out?"

"Yes. And I want to ask you something."

"Yes?" Aurora asks.

"I know this is a bit soon, and oh my god I didn't think I'd actually ask you this so soon but, would you like to move in with me?" I say as quickly as I can.

Aurora starts to giggle and blush. I think to myself that it has to be one of the cutest things I've ever seen.

"No, I won't move in with you. But, will you move in with me? I've just become too attached to that house to move out. I don't mind sharing it with you, though."

I laugh but tell her "Yes, I'll move in with you."

It may seem like we're rushing things but I know I'm slowly falling in love with Aurora. I never want her to leave.


I would just like to say thank you to whoever is reading this. You keep me dreaming and keep me writing, one of my favourite things to do. I hope to become a writer when I'm older and hopefully you'll read my books and think proudly, "I read her story on Watt-pad! I made her who she is today." I hope you do read one of my books some day and I really hope I become an author but for now we can only dream. So keep reading, and keep dreaming.

Rhiannon. x

Treat you right. (A Jake Bugg Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now