Chapter 71

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~2 years and a half later~

"Mommy!!" My baby boy says running towards me when he sees me at the door of the daycare. "Hi Drew, how was your day?" I ask him as we walk out to my car. "Good" he smiles.

Ever since Andrew was born I work two jobs and go to school, in the beginning it was a little tough but now it's working out great. Luckily I saved up enough to go back to California for Christmas this year.

My family will finally meet Andrew. They are super excited. I would have gone last year but I didn't have the money. We leave tomorrow morning, but right now I sadly have to head out to the diner.

I was in the middle of putting my converse back on after changing into my work uniform when the door bell rang. It's probably Luis, since I can't afford a babysitter luis and Luke volunteered to take care of Andrew for me while I'm at work. Today Luke had to work himself so he couldn't. The guys have been such great help I owe them a bunch.

"Hey Luis, Andrew is sleeping right now but there is food in the fridge if you guy get hungry which I'm sure you guys will. Especially you." I tell him and he laughs.

"Girl don't worry about it. That lil boy loves me." He says making me laugh and nod. "We might go and bother you at the diner in a little while." He says sassily and I roll my eyes playfully.

"Ok I'll see you later." I say and walk out of the apartment.

~later that night~

"Thank you so much for looking out for Drew, I owe you a ton." I tell Luis hugging him.

"Nah you're good. Until ryland is single again." He says and I laugh shaking my head.

"Ryland and my sister have been together for 4 years, I don't think he'll be single any time soon." I laugh.

"I'm just saying. Okay Imma leave you to rest. Call me when you get to LA." He hugs me again and I nod. "Bye." I say before he leaves and I close the door.

I walk to my room and see Andrew cuddled up to his teddy bear and Charley next to his feet. I take out my phone and snap a photo of my two favorite boys, putting it as my lock screen. 

After that I set my phone on my nightstand and get ready for bed. I give Andrew and Charley both a kiss on the head and fall asleep myself.

~next morning~

I woke up this morning  and got ready to go to California. I was in the middle of making breakfast for Andrew and I when the door bell rang. I walk to the door to find Luke on the other side.

"Hey babe." He smiles and kisses my lips. "Hi. You want some breakfast?"

"No, I'm good. Where's Drew?" He asks sitting on the kitchen island. "He's still sleeping." I say smiling.

"Are you going to tell Ross about him?" He asks and my smile drops.

"No, first he won't believe he has a 2 year old son, second he has a girlfriend and third he most likely won't care, so why waste my breath."

"What if he asks you who he is?" He asks seriously. "I don't know Luke, there's no point in telling him, he won't care."

"Babe, I'm no fan of the guy but he needs to know. Andrew needs to know he has a father." He says walking towards me and kissing my forehead while rubbing my arm for comfort.

"Ok fine, I'll tell him about Andrew and we'll see how it goes from there." I inform him and he nods kissing me.

After we pulled away I walk to my room and wake up Andrew for breakfast. After breakfast I got Andrew dressed and we left to the airport.

"Bye Luke, take good care of Charley please." Andrew tells Luke in his baby voice and gives him a hug. "I'll take very good care of him bud I promise." Luke says ruffling his hair. "Bye babe, call me or text me when you land." He leans in for a kiss.

"I will, bye." I say and grab my suit case and pick up Andrew. I quickly got through check in and security and in a matter of 30 minutes was boarding the plane.

Soon enough we were landing in LA. Since Andrew fell asleep I didn't want to wake him so I grabbed my bags and carried him in my arms.

When I got off I was about to call Shawn when I received a phone call from an unexpected person.

~Phone convo~

Sydney: hello?

Ross: hey Sydney, I'm on my way to the airport Shawn had to go out real quick so he asked if I could do him the favor.

Sydney: oh ok. I'll be waiting outside.

I hung up and nervously walked outside. After a few minutes I see his car park next to me. How am I going to tell him that the child I'm carrying is his.

"Let me help you out with that." He says and takes my suitcase putting it in the trunk. "I see you and Luke had a kid?" He nods towards Andrew.

"Not quite. Do you think maybe we can talk later?" I ask and he nods. "Yeah that's cool. You can lay him down in the back if you want."

"No I'll sit in the back with him. Thank you though." I give him a very small smile and get into his car placing Andrew next to me carefully.

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