Chapter 47

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  Dear Sydney,
If you are reading this that mean I've tried everything I possibly can to get you back. I know I've done some stupid thing in the past and I'm sorry for all of it. I never meant to hurt you. If I gave this to you that means you are leaving for a new life, a new life without me. You are leaving to New York and starting college. I'm so happy for everything you've accomplished. I guess this is goodbye. It may not be for good but it's goodbye for now. I love you and I don't think I'll ever stop but you've made your choice and I respect it even if I don't like it. I want you to be happy, and if it's not with me that's fine, because you're the only person I have loved enough to put before myself. Seeing you happy, makes me happy, and that's what love is... Right? I love you. Bye syd.

As I finished reading the letter tears were streaming down my face. He gave up on us and I let him. I'm so stupid. I thought I would be better off alone but he has my heart and I can't get it back no matter how hard I try. All I know is that he gave up and I lost him forever.

~3 months later~

After settling in my apartment for the last 2 months and getting everything ready for school I am ready to start.

I've been away from home for 3 months. 3 moths without my parents. 3 months without my siblings. And 3 months without my friends. In all honesty I miss them all terrible. It's hard moving out when you've lived with seven people all your life. It's been hard but I've gotten used to the quietness.

I've kept in contact with my siblings and my sisters say everyone misses me especially Ross but I tell them to not mention him. He's part of my past. Apparently r5 went on tour over the summer and are now going on another tour to promote their new EP and Sarah and Sabrina are going with them.

Anyway I am now getting ready for my first day of college. Hopefully everything goes well. Once I finish getting ready I grab my bag, car keys and head out to campus.

Once I got there hundreds of students roam the place in search of their classes. I was walking and looking at my schedule when I bumped into something hard knocking me down to the floor.

"I'm sorry I should have been looking where I was going." A deep voice said as he helped me up. "It's okay, I wasn't looking either." I say as I look up at him. My eyes widen when I see who it is. "Luke! What are you doing here? I thought you were in Australia."

"I was but I got except to NYU and now I'm here. What are you doing here?" He asked. "I also got except to NYU."

"That's awesome. How've you been lately?" He asked giving me a side hug.

"I've been better. Ross and I broke up 8 months ago and I'm still an emotional wreck but I'm getting better." I say in almost a whisper.

"Oh I'm sorry. Why did you guys break up if you don't mind me asking?" He asked as we started walking.

"It may seem pretty stupid but it was because I got accepted here and didn't tell him I applied and also over troubles we had but that was the main reason." I say as a tear fall out my eye and I quickly whip them away.

"If I were him I would have never let you go." He gushes.

"Well he's been trying to get me back since but I just can't go through it again." I say moving a lock of hair out of my face.

"But syd, The guy loves you and even though he broke your heart he still tried to get you back because he wanted to be better. I would do anything if I could get your sister back. Don't let one silly fight determine your guys future." He says meaning every word.

"Thanks Luke. I'll keep it in mind." I smile at him as we enter our first class of the day.

From now until the next few chapters there will be a lot of time lapse. Also the story might be ending soon so stay tuned. Love you. Thanks for reading.

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