Chapter 68

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for the past month I've been very happy, Luke is incredible, he's so nice and sweet. the thing is that i feel bad because i don't feel the same way he feels about me. I've grown very fond of him but that spark just isn't there, at least not for me.

at the moment i am getting ready for my last day of work before i go back to California for winter break. Luke won't be joining me, he's going back to Australia to see his own family.

As i was finishing getting ready i received a call. i looked at the caller id and see its ross, he's been trying to get a hold of me for the past month but i haven't answered him at all. the only problem about going back to California is that i have to face him, but i don't think that'll be a problem since he has a girlfriend now.

I grab my purse, my ringing phone, keys and leave. what I love about night shifts is that usually Luke and Luis come and have dinner just to not make it so boring for me, and to be honest it works.

"hi lily." i greet my 22 year old coworker. "hi you're just in time, table 5 is asking for you." she winks at me and I shake my head. I walk up to table 5 and see two familiar faces. "well, aren't you guys a little early." i tease the two boys.

"we got hungry women." luis says making me giggle. "hi babe." I give luke a peck on the lips. "You guys want the usual?" I ask the two boys and they nod anxiously making me walk away laughing.

~The next day~

I arrived in LA at 9am this morning, called Shawn and now I am home with my family. All of a sudden the door bell rang.

"I'll go get it." Sarah jumped up and practically sprinted to the door. "Hey guys." I heard her say and then close the door. Then I see 7 people plus her walk in. Riker, Rydel, Ellington, Rocky, Ryland, Ross and a girl who I believe is Ross girlfriend.

"Hey guys." Rocky waves at us and walks towards Sabrina giving her a kiss. "Hi rocky." I smile at him and wave at the rest.

We were starting up a casual conversation when I felt a pair of eyes on me. I look up to see him looking at me. I look back down and joined the conversation once again.

"girls, we should go out to the pool." Sky tells the girls and we all agree to go. We walk outside and each take off our clothes leaving us in just our bikinis.

Out of curiosity I take a look at Ross girlfriend Courtney and she is absolutely beautiful. No wonder he broke up with me, I can never compete with that body not to mention she also has a pretty face.

"Hi, I don't think we've properly met." I'm snapped out of my thoughts by an Australian accent. "I'm Courtney, nice to meet you." She says sticking out her hand for me to shake. "I'm Sydney, nice to meet you too." I shake her hand and give her a small smile.

"Can we talk for a sec before joining the rest of the girls?" She asks me and I nod unsure of what she wants to talk about.

"I just want to apologize, I never knew Ross had a girlfriend. When I met him a month ago I asked if he had a girlfriend and he specifically told me he didn't, but then when you called him that one night crying I knew he had cheated on you. I'm extremely sorry I was involved and I hope we can be friends."

"Wow, I uh never thought the girl he cheated on me with would legitimately apologize for his actions. Even though it's not your fault I forgive you and I would love to be friends. I promise you, you don't have to be sorry for anything, it's not your fault." I say giving her a small smile.

"Thank you, can I uh give you a hug?" She asks shyly and I nod. "Of course you can." We hug and then joint the girls in the pool.

For the rest of the day we talked laughed and in generally had a great time.

If I'm being completely honest. Seeing Ross with Courtney didn't really bother me, even though he tried to be discreet as hell. Every once in a while I would see them being all cute and I felt extremely happy for him.

Maybe I wasn't the right girl for him and maybe being in a constant back and fourth relationship didn't end so well, but at the end of the day he will always be my best friend. I will always be happy for him.

"Hey syd can we talk for a sec?" Ross asks before I walk inside for dinner. "Sure what do you want to talk about?"

"Well first and foremost I wanted to apologize for cheating on you again. I know it was completely uncalled for and I'm sorry." He sighs and I nod. "It's ok Ross, I'm over it. Don't worry about it."

"Really?! Oh thank god." He gives me a small smile. "Is that all? Because I want some food." I laugh a little.

"I also wanted to ask why are you being so nice to Courtney? I mean I did kinda cheat on you with her and stuff." He scratches the back of his head.

"Because even though we've been through hell and back in our relationship I'm happy you're with someone that makes you happy." I give him a smile.

"How do you know she makes me happy?" he asks.

"Ross I've known you since birth and let me remind you I was your girlfriend for a while, I know when you're happy and even though you tried being discreet because I was in the room I can tell you like her." I smile and hit his arm playfully.

"Thank you and again I'm sorry I hurt you so much."

"It's okay, as long as you're happy right now I am too." I say shaking my head. "Why?" He asks confused as to why I'm so happy for him.

"Because after all we've been through you are still the love of my life and I don't think that's ever going to change no matter what, but most importantly because you're my best friend, forever." I say and he smiles brightly. All of a sudden his arms are around my waist hugging me tightly.

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