Chapter 50

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Before we left I grabbed the notebook that was laid on his bed, curious of what he was writing before he decided to take his life away.

As soon as we got to the hospital they took Ross away and made us wait in the waiting room. I sat in the far corner away from everyone and opened the notebook. Inside were song lyrics and poems. I looked over all of them shedding a few tears, then I came across the last two pages. It was what he was writing this morning.

The first page said:

It is so easy for me to love you that it frightens me. I've never been good at anything. But I never wanted anything so much as I want to hold you every waking minute. And every night while I sleep. The question has ceased to be "How do I love you?" And has become "how would I ever stop?"

And the second said:

At some point, you have to realize that some people can stay in your heart but not in your life....

"I'm so stupid. This is all my fault" I cried. "Hey, hey, hey shorty it's not your fault. Don't blame his decision on you." Rocky hugs me and I cry on his shoulder.

"I'm scared Rocky what if he really injured himself. I wouldn't be able to live with myself."

"I'm scared too shorty But Ross is a strong dude. He'll pull through." He says tightening his arm around me.

Filler chapter. Sorry. The important stuff will come next. Thanks for reading. Love you all✌🏼️

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