Cahpter 56

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So far things between Ross and I have been great. He calls me everyday to see how I'm doing and to tell me he loves me, He's the absolute cutest.

It's been 3 months and a half since Ross incident and according to everyone over there he hasn't tried anything and is very health. I asked everyone before I left to keep an Eye on him because I knew that if I asked him over the phone he wouldn't actually tell me if something was wrong.

After class today I decided to go home and take a tiny nap before I had to get ready for work in an hour.

I was in the middle of my nap when my phone started ringing obnoxiously. I groaned loudly and grabbed my phone looking at the caller id.

~phone convo~

Sydney: hello.

Ross: hey beautiful. How are you doing?

Sydney: I was doing great until the person I love the most made me hate him at the moment.

Ross: I woke you up didn't I. He knows I hate when people wake me up.

Sydney: yeah I kind of wanted to take a nap before I went to work but what's up?

Ross: I have some really cool news. He said excitedly and I couldn't help but smile.

Sydney: what is it? I laugh at his excitement

Ross: rocky and I are going to New York for the weekend to promote our new song on the radio so I get to see you. Ill be in New York by tomorrow.

Sydney: omg really that's amazing.

Ross: I can't wait to see you. I miss you so much.

Sydney: I miss you too babe. At what time will you get here? Maybe I can get you from the airport.

Ross: that would be awesome. We land at around 2 but I'll call you. He sounds super excited and I can't blame him because I feel the same way.

Sydney: I can't wait, but right now I have to get ready for work I'll text you when I get out. I love you.

Ross: I love you too Babe.

I hang up the phone and go to the bathroom to let the water run before I get in the shower. I get back in the room to get my work uniform, I work at a little diner close by. After taking a shower I quickly get my coat, keys, phone and leave.

~next morning~

I woke up this morning and got ready for my 10 o'clock class. I put on a white shirt with black jeans and black worn out doc Martins. Since its still pretty chilly out I grabbed my warm black cardigan and then went to the kitchen to make myself some coffee.

I was in the middle of giving Charley some food when someone started knocking on the door making Charley start barking.

Who could it be at this hour? I know it's not Luke because he's in class or at least supposed to be.

"I'm coming." I say as the knocks were more constant and louder.

"Luke if it's you, I'm beating the crap out of you." I say opening the door and my eyes widen at the sight.

"What if it's your boyfriend?" He smiles widely. "Ross!" I throw myself at him and he picks me up. I wrap my legs around his waist and he laughs. "Hey beautiful."

"What are you doing here? I thought you wouldn't be here until 2 in the afternoon." I say getting off of him and smashing my lips to his.

"I just said that so I could surprise you. We actually got here at 2 in the morning." He smiles and pecks my lips.

"Aaaahhhh, I missed you so much." I hug him tightly still in shock.

All of a sudden realization hit me. "Shit I'm late for class. I have to go." I kiss him. I quickly get back inside grabbing my coffee, keys and phone. "If you want and/or have nothing to do you can stay here. I'll be back in 2 hours." I kiss him once more and rush to my car.

Good thing I only live a few minutes away from campus so I got there just in time. I sit in my usual seat next to Luke and he looked at me weird.

"What took you so long?" He whispers as the professor announces that we have an essay due on Monday. "I kind of got a surprise from Ross before I was about to leave." I whispered back. His expression changed and he just nodded. I ignore his action and just continue listening to the professor.

~2 hours later~

I finally finished class and hurried to my car to go to my house, well apartment.

When I got to my apartment I quickly got my bag and keys and ran in. I hurriedly unlocked the door and the first thing I see is Charley. "Charley where's Ross?" I ask my dog and he barks walking to my room. I follow him and see Ross watching tv. I run and jump on top of him.

"Ow hey gorgeous." He groans and kisses me. "Hi." I kiss him. "How's my beautiful girlfriend?" He asks moving some loose strands of hair out of my face. "Amazing now that You're here with me." I smile at him and he returns the gesture.

"You have a nice place here." He says looking around and wraps his arms around me as I lay my head on his chest. "Thanks." I smile as Charley jumps on the bed and lays between us. "Do you have anything to do today?" He asks and I shake my head while petting the dog. "Nope I don't have class until Monday and work tomorrow morning. Why? What do you have in mind?"

"Will my beautiful girlfriend like to go on a date this afternoon?" He asks smiling like an idiot.

"I would love to." I smile back and kiss him hard. He creases my cheek and pulls me on top of him. "I've missed you so much." He mumbles into the kiss, the vibration sending chills through my spin. "I've missed you too." I mumble pulling at his hair.

After our short make out session he put his shoes and denim jacket on and we left the house.

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