Chapter 66

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"Well I guess this is my stop." I sigh looking up at the people I've been around the country with for the past 3 or so months. "I'm going to miss you guys so much." I say as tears stain my cheeks.

Last night R5 had a show in New York and today they are leaving for their European tour. Since school starts in a week I thought I should just stay here. Mom already shipped everything and Luke brought Charley with him when he came back, so I'm basically settled back in.

I hugged everyone one last time and gave Ross a kiss. "Call when you land please. Doesn't matter what time it is." I hug him tightly and bring my lips back to his. "I will princess, I promise." He gives me one last kiss before he had to leave and I left towards my car. When I got to my apartment Charley was already there. I went to the living room to find a note on the coffee table.

It was from Luke saying that he brought the dog before I got here so there were no awkward encounters.

Wait, awkward encounters? What? Why is he acting so strange all of a sudden?

I push the thought to the back of my mind and get into comfortable clothes. I lay on my bed and login to Netflix. I put on the walking dead and soon after Charley joins me.

"Did you miss me bud?" I pet my dog and he wiggles his tail and licks my face.

~2 months later~

"Ross lynch seen with Australian model/actress Courtney Eaton at dinner after his show in Sydney, Australia." Said the new report on tv. My attention was drifted away from my notebook and to the television.

On the television there was a picture of the two at a table the chick all over him.

"Are you kidding me?" I say to myself angrily and walk towards my room to grab my phone. I quickly dial his number and impatiently wait for him to answer. Finally on the fourth ring he answered.

~phone convo~

Ross: hey babe, what's up?

Sydney: oh nothing just watching some tv when a picture of you showed up, at dinner with some model! Care to explain?!

Ross: oh that? That was nothing just a friend nothing more.

Sydney: really? Because she was awfully close to you considering she's 'just a friend'! What's up with you and cheating on me every time you go on tour?! Is it fun for you to hurt me?

Ross: yes she's just a friend. I don't mean to cheat on you it just happens. The urge to be with you makes me do stupid things. It's not fun hurting you and I'm sorry.

Sydney: yeah I am too.

I hung up the phone and bursted out into tears. "why does he keep doing this to me?!" I lay on my bed and cry. all of a sudden my phone starts ringing. i angrily picked it up and whip my tears away.

~phone convo~

Sydney: what?!

ross: sydney, babe, I'm sorry. i didn't want to hurt you and i promise you i didn't do anything with her. we just went out to dinner because we have the same manager and she's moving out to LA soon nothing more. please forgive me.

Sydney: i want to believe you ross, I really do, but what are the chances that I won't find you hooking up with her, huh?

ross: babe i promise you, you won't find us doing anything like that.

Sydney: yeah i hope not. look I have to go, call me when you've made your choice on who you want to be with.

i hung up the phone again and got ready for work. on my way there i bumped into Luke. "hey syd, whats wrong?" he asks when he sees the sadness in my face. "oh uh nothing, its just that ross and i got into an argument." I sigh.

"Was it because of that picture on the news?" He asks and i nod.

"why are you still with him after all the countless times he has hurt you?" Luke raises his voice and gives me a second to think.

"because i love him and because just like him i hurt him too." i say and pull at my roots. "are you serious syd?! all you've done to that dude is forgive him for the stupid shit he does."

"Why do you care? It's not like it's affecting you in any way." I say giving him an attitude. All of a sudden his hands are on my waist and his lips on mine. After a few seconds I pull back in surprise.

"Why did you do that?"

"Because I'm in love with you. You asked why I cared, I care because I like you." He says and my eyes widen. "What? How come you never told me?"

"I did, countless times, you were just so blinded by Ross you never payed attention. I told you the second week I met you three years ago, I told you when we bumped into each other at campus and I told you the day after you got back together with Ross six months ago."

"Luke, I'm so sorry, I never noticed." I mumble and he shakes his head. " it's ok, but can we maybe try it out?"

"What? Going out?" He nods his head smiling. "I don't know..."

"Come on Sydney, please. I promise you, you won't be disappointed." I thought about it for a second. "I'm sorry Luke, I would love to, but what about Ross?" I say a sad expression on my face.

"Break up with him, try this with me, please." He pleaded and couldn't help but give in. "Okay fine, I will give this a try."

"Cool, I'll pick you up tomorrow at six." He smiles, kisses my cheek then walks here comes the hard part, breaking up with the persons I love the most even when he hurts me.

~later that night~

When I got to my apartment I immediately picked up my phone and dialed Ross number. He eventually picked up on the fourth ring.

~phone convo~

?: hello?

Sydney: hello. Who is this?

?: this is Ross girlfriend Courtney. Who is this?

Sydney: oh I see, well tell him his ex girlfriend called and that I never want to speak to him again.

I hung up the phone and tried my hardest not to cry, but ended up crying myself to sleep.


Hello beautiful people, sorry for the long wait but I finally found inspiration and updated, yay. I wanted to point out that I have nothing against Courtney, I love her and think she's absolutely gorgeous, so please don't think I'm against her because of this, ok? Cool. Love you all. BYE.

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