Chapter 27

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Today we leave to Mexico for spring break. honestly I cant wait, its gonna be epic. right now the lynch family and mine are heading to the airport.

"ok kids lets figure out seating arrangements." mark said.

"i call sarah!!!" riker says pulling sarah closer to him.

"i call my little short stack of pancakes!!!" ross says squeezing my thigh and kissing my cheek.

"i call sky!!"ryland fist pumps skylar and they start laughing.

"I call ell!!" rydel says poking Ellington's dimple and giggling.

"I call my little penguin." Sabrina says ruffling Luke's hair. Oh did I mention Luke got his parents permission to come with us.

"what about you guys?" Stormie asks Shawn and rocky. "Well everyone else is taken so I guess we can sit together." Shawn said looking at Rocky and he nodded.

"Okay let's get going then." My dad says hopping out of the car.


"Woah this place is AWSOME." Ryland said hugging Sky. We were currently in the hotel and it was pretty rad.

Once we got to the hotel, the girls and guys immediately got split. So now it's girls on one room and guys on the other.

"Ok, let's hurry up and change so we can go to the pool." Sarah says in her always cheerful mood. We all ran up to our rooms to get ready.

I got my neon yellow bikini from my suitcase and put it on then put some black running shorts on and a loose t-shirt. I brushed my hair and teeth and put my hair into a braid. And I did all that with in 15 minutes.

"I'm waiting downstairs." I tell the girls as I open the door. "Okay, we'll be there in five." Sarah calls out. "okay." I walk out and head towards the elevator. Suddenly I bump into someone.

"Ooo hey sexy." The guy said, he was about my age. I just gave him a disgusted look and walked away. "Hey, hey, hey where are you going?" He grabs my arm tightly.

"Let go of me, please!" I yell and try to get out of his grip.

"I will but first I think I might have a little fun with you." He says with a smirk plastered and his face.

"Let go of me!!" I say louder his grip on me tightens and tears are escaping from my eyes as he gets closer.

"Hey get your hands off my girlfriend little son of a bitch!" The guy turns his head and Ross is standing there with gritted teeth.

"nah I'm good, I think I'll have some fun with her first." He says traveling his hand around my body and looked at me biting his lip while I was full of fear in my eyes.

"I said keep your hands off my girlfriend." He yells and pushes the guy off of me and starts punching him. I just slide down the wall pulling my knees up and crying.

After a few minutes I feel strong arms wrap around me "it's ok baby, you'll be safe with me." It was Ross, I didn't say anything just kept crying.

Suddenly I felt him picking me up bridal style. "Where are we going?" I ask in a barely audible voice. I'm guessing he didn't hear me because he just kept walking until he went into his pockets and then opened a door.

"here, why don't you sleep for a bit to get your mind off of things."

"can you lay down with me, please." He nodded taking off his shirt and laying down with me. Once I felt his arms around me I calmed down a little and fell into a deep sleep.

~Ross pov~

I laid down next to Sydney until she fell asleep in my arms. I didn't want to leave her alone. So I called riker to tell him that Sydney and I weren't going to chill at the pool.

~Phone convo~

Riker: hello?

Ross: hey riker. Something came up, Sydney and I aren't chilling at the pool today.

Riker: what? why?

Ross: this guy was kinda harassing her while she was waiting for the elevator.

Riker: oh no, poor syd.

Ross: yeah. Please don't tell anyone about this. I don't want them to bombard her with questions.

Riker: yeah, that's fine.

Ross: thanks bro I'll see you later, Bye.

Riker: alright man, Bye.

~end of phone convo~

20 minutes later syd starts moving uncontrollably. All of a sudden she starts screaming for help and for someone to let go of her. Immediately I start shaking her awake until she wakes up screaming and crying.

"Babe are you okay? what happened?" I say trying to hug her but she scoots farther away from me.

"Princess its me. Ross, I won't hurt you. What happened? Please tell me."

"The guy.... from the elevator.... He was... In my nightmare." She said In between sobs.

"Baby it's ok, He won't touch you ever again. I promise." I say hugging her. She was kinda tense at first but then softened.

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