Chapter 53 - Blow after Blow.

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The next day, Aunt Shay dropped Kayson off at school and stayed home to watch Lily. Asha hadn't seen her since the altercation with Noah, so she was anxious to come and get her when the weekend was over. As always, the first person Kayson was drawn to was Madilyn. They spent all of their time together learning in class, then headed out for recess when the day was done. Since it'd rained again a few days before, Kayson and the little girl couldn't sit in the sand, so they decided to sit on the slide. Kayson smiled at Madilyn, pulling a dandelion from behind his back.

"Tada!" Kayson smiled. "I got dis for u."

"Oh my gah!" Madilyn smiled as she took Kayson's flower. "It's so pwetty!"


"I'm gunna gib it to our baby." Madilyn nodded.

"Oh yah I forgot dat we had a child." Kayson giggled.

Madilyn blushed, then kissed Kayson on his cheek. Kayson's face froze again, turning to her and giving her a blank look.

"You wana kiss on da lips?"


Kayson leaned forward and placed his lips on top of hers. The both of them didn't have a clue what they were doing, but they sat there and kept their eyes closed while maintaining the same puckered lipped pose. Suddenly, Madilyn was snatched up by her dad.

"What the hell are you doin, Maddy?" Her father barked.

"Juszt kissin' Kaysin, daddy." Madelyn whined. "Dats my boyfwiend."

"Listen to me." Her father growled as he gave her a serious look. "If I EVER catch you kissin' one of these nasty boys again I'll break your backside, do you hear me?"

Madilyn started to tear up as she nodded her head, listening to her dad's orders.

"Excuse me, Mrs. Allen!" The father barked as he stepped in front of her, watching her read a book to a few students. "Did you know what Madilyn and that young man were doin' back there?"


"Kissing!" The man barked again. "That might not be a big deal to you but any one of these kids can have anythang! You need to be watchin' them!"

Mrs. Allen knew that they were getting a little too inappropriate, but she brushed it off all of the time. She nodded her head, glancing over at Kayson.

"I'll make sure that they don't sit next to each other in class anymore." Mrs. Allen nodded.

"Yeah you betta!" The country man scowled. "My daughters too young to be contributin' to this adult behavior!"

From afar, Kayson watched Madilyn's father place her inside of his car and speed off. Even though he was only four, he felt like he lost a girlfriend. Haha. Toddlers.

Anyway, Noah winded up spending the night at the hospital. He didn't have much of a choice after having surgery on his groin area, so he needed assistance going to the bathroom and getting around. After doing an ultrasound, Noah laid in bed and ate yogurt all day while watching TV. While waiting for Tracy to give him his results, he could hear a few doctors blabbering on about something that he didn't care about in the other room. Agitated, he turned the TV up a little louder.

But when he heard his name, he froze. After glancing over, he muted the TV and decided to listen.

"How could this happen?" Frank scoffed. "We're failing a patient!"

"It isn't our faults." Tracy groaned. "He waited too long..."

"You can't put all of this on Noah, Tracy!" An unidentified woman scowled. "As the doctor, it is YOUR job to make sure that he's taken care of!"

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