Chapter 11 - Job Well Done.

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Soon after the police drove off, Tyler's mother pulled right into the driveway. She stepped out of her car and placed her hands out, shaking her head as she stepped up to the front door.

"Tyler, what the hell is going on?" Her mother gasped.

"Dad's been arrested." Tyler said as she cradled her pink blanket over her shoulders.

"Sweetie, what happened to your face?" Her mother panted.

Tyler didn't answer. Her mother dropped her purse and stomped into the kitchen with her heels.

"Damnit!" Her mom snarled in a worried tone from all the overwhelming news that headed her way.

As Tyler walked into the kitchen after her mother, she seen him dialing the local sheriff's number.

"Mom, that's not going to help."

"I need to see why he was arrest-"

"He set me up, mom!" Tyler said out loud.

Tyler's mother scrunched her eyebrows at Tyler, giving her a lost look.

"What?" Her mother responded.

Tyler played the 'play' button to the recording on her phone and slid it next to her, letting her listen to the 3 minute conversation. Afterwards, her mother stood there stone-faced after realizing what they were talking about.

"You mean.........your father was behind your abduction?" Tyler's mother asked.

"Yes." Tyler answered in a tired tone.

Her mother shook her head, looking down at the floor.

"How could he do such a thing?" Her mother said in a shocked and dazed tone.

Tyler's mother placed her hand on her forehead, then stepped into her living room.

"Well I guess it's time to call the life insurance agency." Her mom said as she sat down on her couch, crossed her legs, and started dialing a number on her phone.

"What does that have to do with anything?" Tyler snarled.

"Well since your father will more than likely be going to jail for the next 20 years, I need to start deciding what we're going to do with his money." Her mother said.

Tyler couldn't believe it. Her mother didn't bother to ask her how she felt, what she wanted to do, or what they should be doing to go catch and find Randy. It was like she would receive more and more blows to the stomach everyday.

All her mother cared about, was MONEY.

"All you care about is money..." Tyler whispered as she gave her mother a stunned and disgusted dazed look.

"What are you talking about, dear?"

"You didn't even bother to ask me how I felt." Tyler snarled. "You went straight to talking about fathers inheritance."

"Tyler, I'm trying to make sure that we are financially set. Especially for YOUR future." Her mother chuckled as she took out some paper work. "Nobody's obsessed with money so let's just calm down, okay?"

Tyler could read all through her mother, she slowly backed away from her and walked upstairs, heading to her room. When she shut the door, she opened all of her drawers and started loading each and every one of her clothes into the many large pink suitcases that she carried around. Since everything was neat, she placed everything inside of her bags and squeezed them in as right as she could so that everything she needed could fit. She emptied out her closet and filled 2 suitcases with all of those clothing, then used another large suitcase to pack her phone charger, laptop and laptop charger, camera, bracelets, jewelry, and toiletries as well.

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