Chapter 3 - "Damn..."

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"Today is day 2 of the Roseville kidnapping trial! 18 year old Isaiah Ayers Steels is charged with kidnapping two victims and attempted murder on one of the victims." The newswoman announced the next day. "While limited cameras were allowed in the courtroom, the news has also released local photos and footage of crucial testimonies! The trial is expected to continue in 10 minutes. Back to you, Chuck."

It was day 2 of the trial. The good part about having to be there so early is that I didn't have to go to class, but the bad part was that I had to get up everyday around 5:45 to get dressed and suited up. I loved Isaiah to death though, so it was all worth it. As Tyler and Tyler's family sat down along with Donna, Kayson, and her sister, we winded up finding out that Noah didn't make an opening statement the day before by his own choice. Why? Because he was going to save all of his energy for when he hounded the prosecution.

The second those doors to the courtroom closed, it was on and cracking. It was back to the prosecution.

"Good morning, everyone. Once again, I am detective Fosters. This is my partner detective Sayers, and we're here to prove that Isaiah is guilty based on eyewitness testimony and circumstantial, yet damning evidence." Detective Fosters said as he pointed to Detective Sayers. "Yesterday, I stated that we had more witnesses to call up, which we will be doing for the remainder of today and the rest of our testimony. Once again, I'd like to call Donna Meyers to the stand."

As always, Donna walked up to the stand in front of the 12 jurors and placed her hand on the bible.

"Do you solemnly swear or affirm that the testimony you're about give will be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God?" The judge asked.

"Yes ma'am."

As Donna took the stand, Detective Fosters paced in front of him and detective Sayers desk.

"What did you come up to tell the jurors and the judge today?" Detective Fosters asked.

"I've came to tell you that I think that the defendant, Isaiah Steels, had something to do with the disappearance of my two sons." Donna nodded.

"And why do you think that, ma'am?"

Donna gave Isaiah an angry look, then turned to the prosecutors.

"Because I sent them both over to his home to go pick up Kayson, and they never returned." Donna said, holding back tears. "I haven't seen them in 4 months."

And this takes us back to the murders of Kayson's other uncles.

Meanwhile, Q was out with the boys as Isaiah stayed home and took care of Kayson. He filled a large kitchen bowl and gave Kayson a small bath while watching tv. One of the small blessings of living with Q is that he had cable. After spending 20 minutes giving Kayson a bath, he placed his undershirt on along with one zee. Before preparing to make a bottle, Isaiah heard a knock on the door. As always, he placed his pistol in the back of his pocket and answered without looking.

It was two men. One looked like he was in his mid 20's, and the other looked like he just turned 20.

"Who the hell is y'all?" Isaiah snapped.

"You the fuck nigga who got my sister pregnant and left her in the dirt, right?" The older one asked.

"'Scuse me?"

"Don't play stupid, nigga!" The younger one barked. "We know that you dated Taylor because we seen you act a nut at her funeral!"

"Plus, our mama told us that you won't give her our nephew back." The older one said. "So i'ma give you one second to do so."

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