Chapter 1 - "Let's Rock N' Roll."

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Back at Noah's college...

The counselor at Noah's college couldn't understand why Noah wanted to change his mind considering the fact that he knew everything about nursing and health. Before he could change his classes, the counselor had to let him know how long becoming an attorney would take.

"Noah, I just want to inform you that becoming an attorney takes 4 years at the LEAST." The counselor said. "It doesn't just happen over night."

Noah needed to become an attorney NOW. He groaned and turned his head, glancing back at his counselor.

"There's no way I can do it within a month?" Noah asked. "I can study an-"

"No. I'm sorry." Their counselor sighed. "You have to know the ends and outs."

Noah was at a disarray. He needed to get Isaiah out the minute he was going to go to trial. Noah thought of a quick plan, then smiled up at his counselor.

"Thank you." Noah smiled as he stood up. "I'll keep my current classes."

After holding Isaiah in custody until night, the officers grabbed him, snatched him up, and threw him into the police car. When they arrived to the prison, the officers tugged him inside, not letting up on him. As they held Isaiah's arms through his grips, prison mates watched through their doors as Isaiah was thrown into a padded cell.

"Fuck!" Isaiah barked as he landed onto the soft floor, wrists handcuffed behind his back.

"Oh hoh hoh hoh. Yes." One of the guards smiled. "We've been waiting for ages to get your little sneaky ass into jail."

The guards slammed the door onto Isaiah, leaving him inside of the cell. He inched back on the padded carpet, sitting in the corner of the room and lying his head onto the toilet. Karma finally bit him in the ass, which was why Isaiah wasn't surprised. He knew that this day was coming.

But all he was trying to figure out was when his trial was going to start.

Without Isaiah or Noah at home, I had to start caring for Aunt Shay myself. It was only then that I realized that the job wasn't easy. A couple days later, our family announced that they were going to give our cousins heart to Aunt Shay. While she underwent surgery, I decided to spend the next few days cleaning up the whole entire home so that she could come home to a clean environment. After recovering a week in the hospital, I picked Aunt Shay up to help her around. She was weak. Open heart surgery was no joke, so I had to help her around. I placed Aunt Shay in her bed after she placed on her pajama gown.

"You need anything else, auntie?" I asked.

"No....." Aunt Shay answered in a dazed and tired tone. "Thanks Isaiah.."

Aunt Shay was still high on the drugs from the hospital for her to be calling me Isaiah. I tucked her in and made my way downstairs to go to sleep. His was I gonna pay the bills without Isaiah here to sell? How was I gonna get any work done when Noah wasn't there to take care of Aunt Shay?

The twins were more important than I thought they were.

Aunt Shay wasn't the only person who returned from the hospital. Tyler did as well. Her mother picked her up and took her to her mansion, which was on the other side of town. Tyler's father decided to come over to the home as well to care for Tyler while her mother worked during days. Due to their heated past, Francesca decided to stay at the hotel to avoid confrontation.

But what Tyler couldn't stop doing, was thinking about Isaiah. Even though she felt that he set her up, something in her inner gut was telling her otherwise. She was thinking about their last moment at his house before they were held hostage, thinking about the confession Isaiah told her. The next day, Tyler's father surprised her with breakfast in bed.

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