Chapter 16 - Out of the Blue.

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All of us, including Noah, boarded Stacey'svan and went searching for Asha. We went by the strip and asked a bunch of her friends if they'd seen her, and they all said 2 days ago. We even went back to Schaefer to search and see if she returned there, but we saw no sign of her. We spent a total of 2 hour searching for her. While we all sat in the van and went searching in a suburban area, Q received a call on his phone from a hospital.

"Hello?" Q answered.


"Asha?" Q gasped.

Q put Asha on speaker, watching everyone inch near the phone.

"I'm fine guys...." Asha said in a raspy tone.

"Which hospital is you at?" Stacey asked.

"I'm at Cedars Sanai." Asha groaned.

"We 'bout to be there in 10 minutes." Q said.

When we arrived at the hospital, we arrived to see Asha lying in her bed. She had a bruise and an icepack on the left side of her face, but there was no serious injuries on her. There, she spent 20 minutes telling us everything that'd happened.

"The douche just threw me over the river....." Asha groaned. "He must've thought I was dead because he killed one of my friends too.."

"How you know?" Isaiah asked.

"Because is seen her dead under the bed." Asha said. "But when police arrived there, she was gone. She had to have moved the body."

While we sat around her, Asha's doctor came in and told us how strong Asha REALLY was.

"She walked an hour and a half in nothing but her but her bare feet." The doctor nodded.

When we looked at Asha's feet, we seen nothing but scratches and cuts. As the doctor walked back outside of the room, Asha glanced at all of us and grinned.

"I'm surprised that you all came!" Asha smiled.

"Why wouldn't we come and see you, Ash?" Isaiah laughed.

"Well, I just thought that you didn't like me anymore." Asha sighed. "Especially with you guys thinking that I'm a slut and all......."

"Asha, you are a slut." Stacey said.

As Asha looked at us, we all smiled as Stacey placed his hand on her leg.

"But you our slut." Stacey smiled.

"We love you, Ash. You done been down with us since day 1." Isaiah growled. "We have fights all the time, but that don't mean we ain't down fo' each other...."

As Q placed his heart balloons down, Stacey stood up and yawned.

"Now where the food at?" Stacey snarled.

"Downstairs." Asha said. "They have pizz-"

"Let's go." Carlos said as all of us got up and left the room. "Asha, we'll be right back up."

Everyone left and went down into the lunchroom to get something to eat. Everyone, accept for Noah. Noah sat beside her and gave her a stern look.

"Asha, did you go back to prostituting?" Noah asked in a disappointed tone.

Asha bowed her head, then nodded.

"Someone........someone tried to kill me." Asha sighed. "This has never happened to me before....."

"Why do you think that I kept telling you to get out of this? Those men do NOT care about you!" Noah chanted. "They only care about your bod-"

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