Chapter 51 - "Fake Asses."

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As Isaiah sat at home, he just got done giving Kayson a bath. Tyler didn't tell Isaiah the news about them having a daughter yet, so she decided to keep it a surprise for a little while. After giving Kayson and Lily some dinner, he put them both to bed. Since tomorrow was Friday, it was going to be a day of relaxation for him and Tyler. First, Isaiah had to figure out what he was going to do.

Then he thought about Noah. So instead, he decided to give him a call.

"Hello?" Noah answered.

"Noah." Isaiah chanted in a low and cheerful tone. "Whaddup?"

"Uh, hey?"

"Were you doin' anything tomorrow?"

Noah cracked a small smile, lifting up in his chair.

"Um, no." Noah grinned. "Why?"

"I was hopin' we could kick it tomorrow." Isaiah sighed. "Just to do some brotherly shit."

"Sure." Noah smiled. "What do you wanna do?"

"It's up to you, man." Isaiah smiled. "I know you wanted to go to that new museum that just opened up about the presidents and shit...."

"You wanna go?" Noah asked.

"How about we go to the museum and I pick where we eat?"

Noah smiled, nodding his head slowly.

"That sounds like a great idea." Noah smiled. "What time?"

"Well I gotta drop Kays off at school around 11, so around 12pm?"

"Alright." Noah nodded. "I'll meet you at the presidency museum at 12."


As Noah hung up, he smiled to himself. He glanced at his 40oz and placed it back into the fridge.

"My brothers finally coming through." Noah thought.

And the next day, Isaiah and Noah met up.

After dropping Kayson off at school, Isaiah came home and made him and Tyler a small breakfast. Aunt Shay started to pack up and promised that she'd be gone by the night, but Isaiah wanted her to stay until she was well enough to stand on her two feet. Anyway, both twins met up at the museum at 11:50am. Isaiah got out of the car, glancing as Noah wore a wig on his head. Isaiah could tell at first glance that it wasn't his real hair. Noah always kept his hair shiny, silky, and combed. The wig on Noah's head was rough looking compared to the real hair the boys shared. Isaiah always kept his head shaved, but Noah always kept his head polished.

"You ready?" Noah smiled.

"Hell nah." Isaiah groaned, placing his hands in his jacket. "I hate museums."

"Well you'll enjoy this one." Noah grinned. "I promise."

Of course, Isaiah didn't enjoy one but of it.

In fact, throughout the whole tour, Isaiah had to keep himself from falling asleep. With 8 other tourists, Noah and Isaiah glanced at many items that belonged to people in office. The latest one was a suit given to them by Barack Obama himself. After spending almost 45 minutes on the tour, everyone got the chance to ask the tourist questions. While everyone else did that, Noah took the time to gaze at the items around the museum.

"What you lookin' at?" Isaiah said as he walked next to Noah.

"Nothing just.......the art."

Noah sighed, cradling his shoulders.

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