Chapter 23 - Tongue Tied.

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As Isaiah made his way home, the first thing he did was called Noah. He wanted to let him know that he was in the clear and didn't have to worry about being a parent.

"Hello?" Noah answered.

"See Noah? What I tell you?" Isaiah scoffed. "I told you that Lily ain't yours."

Noah scrunched his eyebrows, then sat down on his bed.

"And how do you know?"

"I took the test for you." Isaiah nodded. "Asha said it came back negative."

Noah sighed then rubbed his hair.

"Maybe I was just overreacting.." Noah sighed. "I just wanted to be sure because the time we had sex matched up right around the time where she should've had Lily..."

"Well you ain't gotta worry about it. Me and the boys were probably just trippin' as well." Isaiah groaned. "Y'all probably ain't even have sex. Y'all were probably just drunk and naked. Haha."

"Well remind me to never get drunk with y'all." Noah growled.

As him and Isaiah laughed, Noah placed on his doctors outfit and grabbed his health kit.

"Anyway, I'm about to go do some more surgery." Noah sighed. "I'll call you later."

"Alright peace."


Noah hung up his home phone and looked at his bed. He had everything he wanted. A nice home, money, and he was a doctor.

Unfortunately, he had nobody to share it with. And sometimes, that really got to him.

When Isaiah got home, he found Tyler taking a nap on the couch. It was a small amount of cocaine on the table, so she'd just got done selling a quick buck. Since it was around 1:00, Isaiah knew that Kayson would be here. When he walked upstairs, he heard Kayson talking to himself.

"And den.........we're goin' to da store.." Kayson mumbled.

When Isaiah walked into his room, he seen Kayson sitting in the middle of the floor. In his toy truck, he had a picture of Taylor in the front. In the corners of the room, were pictures of him, Aunt Shay, Donna, Noah, and Isaiah. Isaiah scrunched his eyebrows at him, then gave him a weird look.

"What you doin'?" Isaiah chuckled.

"Nothin..." Kayson said in a shy tone. "Just playin......"

As Isaiah watched him, he noticed that Kayson stopped talking. He didn't like to play in front of Isaiah.

"You playing with your pictures?" Isaiah laughed.

Kayson grinned and looked up at Isaiah. Isaiah waved his hand, shrugging his shoulders.

"Go ahead." Isaiah laughed.

Kayson drove his toy car into the pole of his bunk bed, driving to Aunt Shay's picture.

"And now we're at my Oder gramma's house..." Kayson mumbled to himself as he put the car next to hers.

Isaiah sat on the floor, watching Kayson take out the picture of Taylor.

"Look dad!" Kayson smiled. "Dis my girlfriend....."

Isaiah took Taylor's picture and stared at it for a while. It's been 4 years since she passed and she hadn't gotten the chance to see Kayson grow. Isaiah sighed, then placed her picture to the side.

"Come on, Kays." Isaiah said as he sat next to him. "Let me talk to you."

As Kayson scooted next to Isaiah, Isaiah placed his arm around his shoulder and looked at him.

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