Chapter 20 - "She's a killer!"

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As Tyler rolled over in her and Isaiah's king bedroom, she heard him talking to someone on the phone. He sounded angry. All she could hear was him cussing someone out. When she placed her robe on and went into the other room, Isaiah was sitting in his computer chair shouting at the top of his lungs.

"That nigga still doesn't have the kilo I gave to him?" Isaiah barked. "He told me that he would have my money by tomorrow!"

Isaiah paused, then shook his head.

"If he ain't got my money i'ma come over there and spray that niggas house with bullets."

"But he's pretty danger-"

"I don't give a fuck how dangerous he is. I dare that nigga to come to my house with that shit!" Isaiah scoffed. "Tell his ass I'll be ready."

The man on the other line paused, then took a deep breath.

"He said that he'll meet up with you by this Tuesday."

"He better." Isaiah growled. "Or else."

As Isaiah slammed his home phone down, he leaned back into his chair and covered his face. He was stressed as shit. Tyler walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders.

"What's wrong, baby?" Tyler whispered to him.

"Nothin', man. Some fool borrowed some money from me and now he can't come up with it. That's money I'm using for Kayson." Isaiah growled. "Then he threatening to come over to my house and have a shootout. He better chill...."

Tyler kissed Isaiah on the cheek as he placed his hands over hers.

"It's okay, babe." Tyler nodded in a low tone as they glanced out of their window that sat in front of the desk. "I'll protect you."

"Bae, you ain't gone hold no chance against a bunch of niggas in a shootout." Isaiah laughed.

"Well, I can try?" Tyler shrugged, smiling and looking down at him.

Isaiah looked up at her, smiling at her as well.

"That's why I love yo' ass." Isaiah growled.

Tyler leaned down and gave Isaiah a kiss, then leaned back up.

"Meet me in the bedroom after you watch Kayson off to the bus stop." Isaiah grinned as he stepped inside.

"Oh you know it!" Tyler smiled as Kayson placed on his backpack. "Come on, Kays. Let's go."

"K mommy!"

Meanwhile, Asha found one of the many men she had sex with in her prostitution and walked into a DNA Diagnostics center with 2 year old Lily. Over the last 2 years, she tested over 10 men and all of the results came back negative. The sad part is there were many more men she had to test in the process. The man had taken a test 3 days before, and he appeared unfazed.

"This is not my damn child.." The man growled. "That was one time and one time only...."

"That's all it takes, Mark." Asha growled.

"Your daughter has curly hair and I'm white!" The man growled. "Her hair should be straight than that!"

"Hey! You will not disrespect my daughter in front of me, damnit!" Asha growled as she got in his face, walking to the front desk. "Now we're gonna get these results to see if you're a dad or not!"

Asha walked to the front desk, telling them her name. The lady rolled to the list of envelopes and handed her a large orange envelope, watching Asha take it and walk out of the building. Before she could open the envelope, Mark snatched it out of her hands and tore it open, snatching the papers out of it. As he read straight to the results, he yelled and threw the papers into the air, lifting his hands into the air and running off. As Lily stood by her mother, Asha crouched down and picked up the pieces of paper. She scattered them together and read the results.

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