Meeting Shay and Colette

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I'm Aspen. I've been in foster care since I was about thirteen, thankfully not as long as most. My dad died when I was 3, he had cancer. My mom would tell me a lot about him but I don't remember much. My mom however, she died when I was twelve so I remember a lot about her. The day my mom died was a normal day, we had gone shopping. On the way back home, a semi hit our car and I survived but my mom didn't. Most of my extended family was dead, so I was alone.

Now I'm fifteen, I've had a few families think about adopting me but it always fell through. I guess I don't do much so I think that is why I move around so much. My favorite thing to do was watch YouTube, my favorite channel was the SHAYTARDS. Their family seemed so perfect and I already felt like a part of their family.

There was a family coming to adopt today, so I got dressed in some skinny jeans and my purple Princesstard shirt. I sighed as I walked downstairs looking for Ali, she takes care of us, all the people here in the group home.

"What do you know about this family?" I asked Ali when I found her in the kitchen.

"Oh Aspen" Ali smiled. "I just know that they have five biological kids."

I crinkled my nose, because they sounded like a family that was adopting for a babysitter. Just then the doorbell rang and Ali left to go answer it. I went to the old desktop that the house shared. When people come they tell us to "act normally" so I decided to watch some YouTube. I logged into my account and clicked on my subscriptions. It was a little early for there to be a new SHAYTARDS vlog but to my surprise there was a new video in my subscriptions. I started watching the new video but after a few minutes I was interrupted.

"In here we have Aspen, watching YouTube as usual." Ali introduced me.

"It's a lifestyle." I joked and turned to face the parents. However, my mouth fell open when I saw Shay and Colette Butler standing in front of me.

"You watch our videos?" Shay asked.

"Yeah." was the only response I could come up with.

"How old are you sweetheart?" Collette asked.

"Fifteen." I answered still a little starstruck.

"What else do you like to do for fun?" Shay asked.

"Well, other than Youtube, I like to write and read, and I like to play piano. I love music." I answered trying to make myself seem interesting. Shay and Colette shared a look and I inwardly screamed hoping it meant good news.

"Do you want to become a part of our family?" Shay asked and I nodded furiously.


The process went quickly. Ali got the paperwork which Shay and Colette signed, and I packed and before I knew it I was out the door with Shay and Colette.

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