Chapter 19.

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“Bye Sky.” I said hanging up with my sister. My mom told her about Phoebe, she was just calling to check it and ask me to send a bunch of picture messages. So of course I did. I just can’t wait for her to come back and met Phoebe. Jillian and Lilia still haven’t seen my since when I actually HAD her. I still couldn’t process myself what was going on, so I didn’t really want anyone in my room besides Ezra, my mom and occasionally my dad and Mike. “Aria? You can check out any time you like, just make sure you’re out of the room by noon, alright sweetie?” the nurse who had just walked into my room said. “Great! Thanks. And thank you for all your help.” I said hugging her. She had been the nurse I had the whole time I was here. “You take care of that beautiful baby girl.” she said. “And send me pictures!” “I will. And of course. Thanks again.” I said as she waved, and walked out of the room. Ezra was in the bed holding Phoebe on his chest. He was barely awake from being up every three hours feeding her with me. He slept in the bed with me last night, and this morning when I got up to feed Phoebe at six, I placed her on his chest and took a shower, ate breakfast, changed her diaper, then put her back with Ezra, packed and fell asleep on the couch for an hour until I woke up by the sound of my phone. Needless to say I’ve kept busy this morning. On purpose. When I’m in a tough situation, the only way to keep from stressing out is to keep moving. I laod there for another second or two before My mom walked out of the bathroom drying her hair with a towel. I don’t know why she had to take a shower here since we’ll all be home in about an hour, but whatever.

“Hey little mommy.” she said sitting on the couch with me. “Where are you guys going?” she asked. “Your house or his?” I sighed and laid back. “I think mine would be best since you and dad and Mike can all help while I try and get my head clear long enough to remember her middle name. But I wanna be with Ezra..” I said. “He can stay at our house, for a night or two.” she offered. “Wait.. really?” I asked. “I think you deserve a drama free day.” she said. “No Toby, no Jenna, no fights with dad, no nothing. The only thing you have to do today is spend time with your baby girl and Ezra. Your father and I will do all the hard work for you today, you just watch her while she sleeps and take a nap or.. Three.” she said smiling. “It is Sunday after all, Ezra needs to be back at work tomorrow. Unless he can get some time off. It might be hard since you aren’t married and he isn’t her blood daughter. And the poor man was in a car wreck just Friday. And you, I mean you just had a baby. That you didn’t even know you were pregnant with. You guys should do nothing but lay in bed all day. I’ll make the bottles and bring them to you. In fact, you guys can even have the master bedroom with the tv and king size bed. The bassinet is already in there for Liam anyway.” I smiled. “You really are the best mom.” I said hugging her. “I hope I’ll be as good as a mom.” I said. “You will be.” she said taking my hand. “Actually, you’ll probably be better.”

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