Chapter 5.

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I pulled up to our school as it started pouring rain. “Ready?” I asked. We got out of the car, and I put my backpack over my head and ran inside.

“You got your boots wet” Mike said when he came up behind me. I laughed.

“Eh, who cares. See you at lunch.” I told him.

“Alright see ya.” He walked away and I started walking to my locker. I was in 12th grade, and it was the middle of April. Only three more weeks of school until I graduate. I mean, School was almost out. For good! That’s an AWESOME feeling.

Anyway, I was a bit early to school today, how about that? Maybe because we left the house at 7 to make sure we had time to drop everyone off and get breakfast before my first class started at 8:15. “Hello Aria.” I stopped walking and looked up.

“Hi Jenna.” I replied, trying not to meet her eyes.

“Mr. Hunter said you had my history homework.” she said.

“Yeah he asked me to bring it over to your house. I did, but you weren’t home and I was gonna stick it in your mail box, but I figured I'd just bring it to you today.” I said digging through my backpack for it.

"Whoa girl, slow down. I can't understand you when you talk so fast.” she said.

“Right, sorry.” I said, against my better judgment, really loud.

“Aria.” she said twirling her finger around her ear. “It doesn’t matter how loud you say it. I won't hear you.” she said.

“right..” I said pulling the homework out and handing it to her. "Sorry."

“Thank you.” She said.

“And here, I have some notes too.” I gave them to her.

“You took these?” she asked. I didn’t answer.

“I can tell by your hand writing. thank you.” She smiled at me slightly before walking away. I went to my locker and started to shove books into them. Conversation with Jenna is always uncomfortable. “You look awesome this morning.” The familiar voice of Hanna makes me smile.

“Hey Han.” I smile turning around. Emily and Spencer came up to my locker too.

“You’re here early!” Spencer observes. “I thought with the four kids in toe you’d be late.”

“Four??” I asked. I definatly didn't have four.

“Three, sorry. It’s still early.” I bit my lip and nodded, feeling kinda sick from that fast food breakfast. Emily starting telling us about how some snake was in the building yesterday after school during her swim practice. But Spencer interrupted her. “Aria are you okay?” She asked noticing I started to look as green as the color of my shirt. Emily stopped talking, and starred at me like Spencer and Hanna. “Hold on” I answered her.

I ran into the bathroom which, thank God, was only a couple feet away. I dropped my backpack the second I was in the bathroom and ran into a stall, hoping no one was in the bathroom, and hoping none of the girls followed me in, and I had to spill my secret to them. You know, after I was done puking my guts out. When I was done, I sat there for a second, unsure of what to do. I wanted to cry so bad, but I had to keep it together incase one of the girls came in. finally I stood up and got out of the stall. I left my bag on the floor knowing no one else was in here, and started to rinse my mouth out in the sink. “Aria?” I heard a voice say behind me, and it made me jump. The sink was running so I didn’t hear the door open. I looked up in the mirror, even though I already knew who it was. Jenna was standing behind me. I turned around and looked at her, expecting her to talk. “A pregnancy test?” she asked. I gasped when I saw the test her in hand that had fallen out of my backpack. I stood there for a second with my mouth wide open, just looking at her. She handed it back to me and got a devious smile. “I can’t wait to tell your parents this one.” She said. “cause I know you wont do it by yourself.”

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