Chapter 39: Father and Son

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Sorry for the delay on this chapter, but it's pretty complex and has a lot of detail, making it take more time to write. But here we go! -LRUF

"We're almost there!" Kanan shouted, glancing at his Padawan. Ezra was breathing heavily, and looked like he was about to collapse. "Ezra, do you need me to carry you?"

"No," Ezra panted, shaking his head slowly. "You're already.... carrying 'Soka. Almost there.... anyways."

"Alright," Kanan said uncertainly.

They continued sprinting, rounding the corner into docking bay 48, and Ezra stared straight at the Phantom. Oh, how he had missed that ship and its crew. Speaking of its crew, he turned his head and and couldn't stop the huge, tired grin from spreading across his features.

It had hardly occurred to him that with Kanan and Ahsoka's survival, that his other crew members were alive.

And Force, was he glad that they were.

Hera and Chopper stood in the Phantom's entrance, blasters at the ready. The little droid nudged the pilot's leg and beeped excitedly, and the Twi'lek lifted her head to meet Ezra's gaze. Her eyes widened in elation.

"Ezra!" Zeb yelled. Ezra swivelled his head to see the Lasat staring at him, a familiar cocky smile spreading across his purple face. "Kid, come on! This ship's gonna blow!"

Zeb and Sabine stood on either side of the Phantom, blasters out and loaded. Accompanying Sabine was Rex, and with Zeb was.... Agent Kallus? Other Imperial officers and stormtroopers were beside the group, armed, but not shooting at his friends. All of them wore tense, determined looks.... Ezra would not have wanted to mess with them. Some of them, he recognized from the bridge, when Kanan had told then to run.

"What's Kallus doing here?" Ezra shouted.

"No time to explain. Just trust us. Get onboard!" Sabine yelled back fiercely, but Ezra could sense the growing relief inside of her. Oh, how he was glad to have the Force back. 

The three Jedi reached the rebel ship and Kanan handed Ahsoka's limp, peaceful form to Rex, who carried her onboard.

"I'm guessing you did this?" Kanan motioned to the red lights washing the room in stripes, hands on his knees as he started to climb onboard.

Hera didn't even bother to reply, just enveloped the Jedi in a hug, stopping his movement, and glancing over his shoulder warmly at Ezra. "Welcome back, Ezra."

The boy smiled, and Zeb slung his arm around his little buddy. "Missed ya, kid."

"What's this? Are you, the big, bad Garazeb Orrelios, finally acknowledging that you care?" Ezra asked incredulously, looking up at his friend.

"Kid, if I didn't care a little, I wouldn't be here. Now, get inside." Zeb ordered, rubbing his fist on top of Ezra's messy hair, not caring that he was filthy. "There'll be time for sentiment later."

Ezra smiled and chuckled, knowing that that was as close as the Lasat would likely get to showing relief at his safety. They had a brotherlike relationship, and that would never change, which was fine with Ezra. And Ezra knew that he would never take his brother for granted again.

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