Chapter 43: Patience

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Thanks for 5.02K reads guys!! Since this is a momentous occasion for this story, let's celebrate with the last chapter! (Don't worry, there's an epilogue to come as well, likely today or tomorrow.)


Somehow, he had survived the fall.

When Ezra had Force-pushed him into the chasm, Vader had watched the boy turn a startling shade of blue as he tried to protect his Master. Somehow, he had done it. He had done the impossible.

Ezra Bridger, a mere untrained child, had defeated Darth Vader, the Dark Lord of the Sith.

He had fallen through the darkness, expecting it to spit him out into the black void of space. Which wouldn't have been a major problem, as his armored suit allowed him to breath without the air on a planet or ship, for a few hours. Plenty of time to call for reinforcements. However, the chasm had dropped him into the currently exploding reactor core. Crashing down on hard metal, his armour a bent and dented wreckage, he had somehow stumbled up and noticed another body. The Second Brother. He was unconscious, blood pouring down his face from a serious head injury among others, and though he was barely alive, Vader had sensed a slight Force-signature flickering in Ezra's father. He didn't know of his other Inquisitors' fates, but they were a crafty bunch, so he expected that at least the Seventh Sister would survive. Vader didn't know what had knocked Ezra's father down here, but he figured that it had something to do with Kanan Jarrus. Oh, that infuriating fool. Just thinking of the man made his blood boil and his anger swell. He knew that he would stop at nothing to have revenge on that petulant Jedi.

Kanan had ruined everything. All of his careful planning, all of his hard work, all of his efforts into finally persuading Ezra to join him.... Had been ruined because of that lone surviving Jedi. And not only had he stolen Ezra back, Caleb had taken Dev as well. Both of his new servants had been taken from him, and Vader would revel in the moment when he slit Kanan's throat as vengeance sometime in the near future–preferably in front of both Ezra and Dev.

I should have killed you in reality in front of Ezra, instead of using a hallucination. You're far more trouble than your information regarding your annoying rebel fleet is worth.

How he longed for the day when he could finally kill that Jedi scum–for real this time.

He had dragged the unconscious Inquisitor out of the wreckage, simply because he could still be useful, not because Vader actually had emotion for the man, and had somehow found his way to an escape pod and had ejected it just before the following explosion knocked him out.

Another Imperial Star Destroyer had found him and his lackey. Ezra's father was currently conscious now, resting in the medbay. His thoughts and emotions were a turmoil of anger at Jarrus and betrayal at Ezra. That was good. It would fuel him in their ongoing search for the threesome of Jedi.

Now, facing a hologram of his Master, Darth Vader waited to hear his next instructions.

If he wasn't above such pettiness, he would have hoped that his instructions would involve killing Jarrus.

Preferably mercilessly.

"The time for Ezra Bridger to join us willingly has passed," the Emperor spat. His blue, cloaked form shimmered with electricity. "You will hunt the Padawan and his Master down, and destroy them, along with young Dume. I was hoping that Bridger would be rational, but it seems that our young Jedi apprentice has decided to be most difficult. A pity he doesn't take after his father more. We didn't have to kill him, but it seems that Ezra has forced us to come to this. He has become a threat, and too great of one."

"I understand, my Lord." Vader replied.

"Good. See to it that the other rebels are also hunted down and wiped out. They are a nuisance, but their irritancy grows with every new recruit they gain. Give this task to Agent Kallus, as I sense that he survived."

"He may have survived the Executor's destruction, but he is no longer with the Imperial Security Bureau. He has allied himself with the rebellion." The Sith apprentice answered. "He has betrayed us."

"Very well. Then he has sealed his fate. Send Governor Tarkin to fulfill this task, then. What of your Inquisitors?" Palpatine asked inquisitively.

"The Second Brother, Seventh Sister, Fifth Brother, and Ninth Brother have survived. Only the Second Brother was injured," Vader answered. "They were the only Inquisitors aboard. There were casualties within the crew, but that is of no major concern. Some, however, followed Kallus' footsteps and defected."

"How many do you expect defected?"

"About fifty. All of the officers aboard the bridge, plus some of Kallus' squadron. Apparently the rebellion is able to corrupt more people successfully, even servants of the Empire, than we had thought."

"This is not good news. But they will die along with the rebellion, so they won't be of concern much longer. Inform Tarkin of these traitors, but he will deal with this situation from there. I want your Inquisitors to focus on searching for 'the shadow'. He is also a great threat to us, if he is not found."

"Yes, my Master." Vader bowed. "My only concern is the Second Brother. He will not be happy to have to leave the search for his son."

"It is his duty. He will have to live with it. Unless, of course, he wants to join the rebellion as well. I'm sure we will find young Bridger there." The Emperor scoffed.

"Likely," his apprentice agreed. "Master, what of Ahsoka Tano?"

"She will suffer the same fate for her rebellion," Palpatine replied. "Find her and kill her, Lord Vader. Do not let your personal feelings get in the way."

"I will end her," Vader vowed. "Nothing will stand in my way."

"Good. See to it that my orders are carried out." The Emperor ended the transmission and Vader stared at where the hologram had been, deep in thought.

He would be patient.

Ezra Bridger and Kanan Jarrus would show themselves again. It was undeniable.

And when they did, he would be ready for them.

They couldn't run.

They couldn't hide.

They would perish under the Empire's iron fist and under his red blade. Hope would die with them, the rebellion would die with them, and then he would bring the order to the galaxy that Padme had always dreamed of.

Even if it took him the rest of his life, Darth Vader would find his enemies.

And along with Ahsoka Tano, the last of the Jedi would be extinguished at last.

It really was too bad, in his former Padawan's sake.

He would have spared her.

But now, like Ezra Bridger, he had no choice but to destroy her, so that the dark would conquer the light–permanently.

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