Chapter 40-Two Truths, A Secret & A Lie

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Chapter 40

I ignore the hangover as I bolt up and stare at my best friends. They remembered my fucking birthday, I think to myself as I look into each of their eyes. My stomach churns from the alcohol and I clutch it in pain. 

"What's the matter, Alex?" Joey asks, raising an eyebrow. "I haven't gotten to celebrate a birthday with you since you were seventeen! Aren't you happy it's your birthday?"

I look at both of them, trying to figure out what to say. I'm just so upset. I try every year to avoid my birthday, and I didn't want them to bring it up, especially in front of everyone else. 

"Is this because we got you gifts? Cause I know you don't like to make a big spectacle of your birthday every year, but I just really wanted to get you something after all the shit you've dealt with these past six months," Nicki says, her arm resting on the ever growing baby bump. 

"I don't want to celebrate this year is all, okay?" I mutter.

"Wait, what? Why not? I've been looking forward to your birthday since March started, Alex! I thought we could go out to lunch, you, me, Nicki and Clark and then we could take you to a movie or something fun or--"

"No!" I shout. I throw up my arms to stop Joey from talking, nearly knocking the gift bags to the floor. "I don't want to celebrate, okay? I'm sick of my birthday."

Nicki's hand touches mine and I look at her. "Alex, what's this about? Is this something with Jeff, or with Clark? You're not supposed to hate birthday's until you're in your thirties. Come on, we're still young! Twenty-three is just a number. I've been twenty three since August, it's not so bad."

I don't know how to make her understand I don't want to celebrate. So, I figure we'll compromise. "Look, fine. I'll do the stupid lunch at some point this week, I'll take your presents, but don't mention my birthday to everyone else, okay? I don't want everyone to make a big spectacle of it, it's really none of their business, and same with the fans. That's why," I poke Joey hard in the rib. "I told you to delete that tweet. Who knows how many fans saw that? I don't want people to know my personal business."


I look at Joey after his question, unsure what to actually say back to him. "Because I'll tell everyone the real reason Nicki just showed up after the charity. Not just to 'Help'. The three of us really know what you're doing here, Nicki." It's like acid on my tongue as the words spew from my mouth. I don't want to say this, I would never even think of telling people about Nicki and Joey. But I can't help the word vomit.

Nicki wasn't even supposed to come to Chicago. But the first Friday morning she appeared at Second City during a final rehearsal. I don't know who was more shocked. Joey or me. Emma's not here, she couldn't leave New York for all the shows, but she's coming to the last ones. So smart Nicki showed up a month before Emma. Lately their quote-on-quote relationship is irritating me. I want Joey to just break up with Emma and Nicki to admit she's loved him for months. Not like they'll listen to me, but I still wish they'd do it.

"Alex, you wouldn't do that to us," Nicki whispers.

I don't look at Nicki at first. I look at their feet. "No," I whisper back. "I wouldn't. You're right. But please," I pick my head up and stare at them. "Don't make my birthday a big deal."

"What are we supposed to do, pretend it's not your birthday?" Joey asks me.

"Basically," I tell him. "You're right, I deserve something like that lunch, but I really really don't want to make a spectacle of myself anymore. I would love to stay on the same level as everyone else around here rather than being everyone's center of attention."

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