Chapter 5-Good News, Bad Choices

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Before you ask, yes the song is an original that I wrote last year. I DO own the rights to that song, so that's a no-no on stealing! ;) Hope you like it!

Chapter 5

Now that the scare of my tumor is behind me, I'm alone in my hospital bed, staring up at the white paneled ceiling. I feel like shit. I really hate the side effects of surgery. I feel like someone punched me in the face and then decided to slap the back of my head a thousand times. I've always had negative side effects to surgery's. When I was eight, I needed to have my tonsils removed, and all the ice cream in the world didn't stop the very odd side effects that came with it.

All I want is to go home, and I just want to sleep in my bed, with it's warm fluffy sheets and the dark room, because I love the dark, along with the familiarity of my things.

"I don't care what time it is! Visiting hours my ass! That's my best friend!" Someone shouts. I hear a loud crash and an "OMF!" followed by the sound of my door being banged open.

I don't know what order this happens in, but it seems like all at once I hit my head on the x-ray machine that resides above my bed, I scream, I sit up, and I fall out of my bed.

Joey, Nicki, Jeff, Dylan, Lauren and all of the other Starkids are piling into my hospital room, all trying to help me off the ground.

"Nice job, Joey," Jeff mutters as Walker lifts me back into bed.

"Right, because it was my fault that you pushed me into the maid's cart and then you opened the door with your body that had tripped over me," Joey spits back at Jeff. I roll my eyes. These two will never get along, will they?

"What are you all doing here?" I manage to squeak out.

"We all feel terrible about what happened to you-" Matt starts to say, but I put up my hand.

"Before you finish, hear me out. I'm not a puppy. I'm not a baby, and I say this because I don't need to be treated like one. I've known about this for two weeks, and I didn't tell anyone on purpose. I don't want sympathy, because I'm not that kind of person. I'm not trying to be disrespectful to any of you, because I am grateful to all of you for getting me here. The doctor told me that the tumor was beginning to increase, and if we had done the surgery on the date it was suppose to have happened, it would have been too big to extract. I would have needed to do chemo or radiation. And then I would have only a chance of it going away. And..." my eyes are now stinging, but I blink and swallow hard so they don't see me cry. "I don't know what would have happened if you guys hadn't been there and I had gone home like I planned after going to the coffee shop. If Dylan hadn't run into me, if Joey hadn't told me to come to the theater...I would have been stuck there, because no one was suppose to see me for two days anyways."

"That means that Dylan is good luck. He saved your life," Brian says, clapping Dylan on the back.

"No, it was Joey. Joey is the reason she even came to the theater. I would have bought her a coffee...but I did want to get to know you over coffee..." Dylan trails off, obviously not wanting to keep talking.

"Dylan, it was you," Joey says. Then he hugs Dylan. They both look awkward at first, but then they relax and hug each other like real men. This causes me to smile. "I will never be able to repay you," Joey says to him.

"Neither will I," I say, grabbing Dylan's hand from the bed as the guys finish their hug. "I will never be able to forgive any of you. I'm grateful to you all, and I owe you so much."

"You can let us pay you back by letting us play you something we are working on," A.J Holmes says, pulling his shiny silver guitar out of his case. I see, clear as day, Darren Criss' signature on the guitar. I let out a small gasp, but no one seems to notice.

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